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2024 Town Strategic Planning Meeting Notes

Town Council met Friday Jan 12th with town staff as part of an annual planning session.  These meetings were implemented by the previous town manager and Mayor back in 2021 and usually all council members, department heads and other staff attend.  While the meetings are open to the public, it’s not convenient for citizens to attend.  The meeting started at 8:30am and finished a little before 5p.  The Berkley Group facilitated the meeting which was held in Dahlgren and a lot was discussed in 8 hours so I will give some highlights base on my notes vs a lengthy report.

1.      We were told Council sets priorities and the town manager implements.

2.      General discussion on Council priorities and working together.  Housing, Sewer plant, Colonial Ave beautification, Boardwalk revitalization and Infrastructure were mentioned among other things.  I asked for a solid workable infrastructure plan as my top priority. 

3.      Received briefing on State budget and potential impacts on town budget.

a.      Our local match for schools may be up.

b.      Potential reforms including changes in sales tax and income tax.

4.      Financial Report from Davenport & Company

a.       CIP Capital Improvement Plan – Transition to 5-year plan.

b.      Budget impacts at a high level

c.      Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP): New factors on CIP.

d.      Contending with 3 spills in last few months, additional operation costs, regulatory costs, how to fund repairs, need to keep general fund and WWTP fund separate.

5.      WWTP Repairs – We were given a rough estimate $5M for WWTP alone and have some cash available to get us through this fiscal year’s repairs. 

a.      $2.9M will be available from water sewer fund over the next few years since we are well over required reserve amount. 

b.      The question is how do we fund the rest and what else is needed.

c.      We will need to follow up with company that did utility study to determine future rates (could be +15% just to fill current needs).

d.      Recommendation is for town to come up with a plan over next few months.

6.      Budget Update/Discussion

a.      Revenues and expenses are on target for year with sewer down some due to sludge revenue down by $80k.

b.      Budget time lines – Needs approval from council: Jan 17 Calendar set, Feb NGO requests, Mar 6 finish with staff, Mar 20 update council, April 3 proposed budget, April 17 Public hearing, May 15 vote.

c.      We were told council needs to approve new positions and projects.

d.      Town Manager budget drivers – Pay study, inflation, economy, schools, capital costs, studies, CIP – sidewalks, other services.

e.      In the past I felt the public wasn’t allowed enough time to review/ provide comment and the Berkley Group reaffirmed that the public should be given ample time to review.  We were also told once passed, it’s councils’ budget not the town managers.  It was also suggested that we have discussions in public which is something I have been wanting.  In the past our discussions were closed door and then very limited discussion in public. 

7.      Pay study by Berkley Group – We are 32% below market value, have 3 bands, actual pay 28% below market, and does not include on call.  Policy last update in 2014.

8.      Legislative Priorities – We were asked to add WWTP to the top of our request $12.3M for sewer plant and Inflow and Inundation issues. Vote passed 7-0. 

9.      Discussion for plan to be brought

to council to determine way forward with WWTP issues to include costs, studies and RFP for cost to keep the plant vs selling it or other options.

10.   Listed 2023 goals accomplished e.g.

a.      Central Drainage project complete

b.      Resilience plan to be adopted by Sept.

c.       Shoreline erosion plan not complete.

d.      Space needs analysis (on hold) council members asked why on hold when direction was to proceed.

e.      700/800 Colonial Ave property – I suggested citizens should be engaged vs behind the scenes. 

f.       CIP – Improvement in process

g.      North Beach on hold due to property/ legal investigation (should have report by April 1.

11.   It was suggested we need an asset management plan – fundamental to good government.

12.   Sidewalks – Right of way study underway (survey and inventory (July 1 CIP funded).

13.   Public Works Storage building - funded in 2024 CIP so Director instructed to proceed.

14.   Klots Lot Parking – Mayor asked for parking lines painted and we were told there may not be enough room to use as a parking lot.  (Note: I found out last year Dodson paved the town owned lot but council was not informed until I inquired). Staff to update by Feb.

15.   Funding requests (Mayor)– Housing authority, Youth sports. 

16.   Dodson project – Wilder Lot.  Currently Dodson has not closed on the sale of the large parking lot next to the River Boat.  For 2 years I have advocated for the town to keep the parking lot but it is still in limbo.  The town manager will give council a status update by Feb.

17.   Leanor Property – Engaged with town in 2023 but no word since.

18.   Main Street Project – by 2025 we should be full main street

a.      Grant opportunities

b.      Other funding

c.      Good for property owners

d.      Small business opportunities

19.  Public Safety

a.      Recruitment issues,

b.      Accreditation (goal was 2024 but probably will be early 2026)

c.      Rescue squad – new building (Liaison and Mayor to meet CBVRS and update council)

20.   Government performance – Minutes need to be a priority (next meeting but 30 days at most)

a.      Suggestion of appointing Town Manager as clerk and having a deputy (to me this is council giving up even more authority to the TM office.

b.      Employee benefits need addressing.

c.      Need continuity plan

d.      Closed sessions (Not required but OK) Council FOIA training Feb.

e.      Communications plan – Next steps for adoption

f.       Emergency Communications plan – Still needs to be adopted (March?)

g.      WWTP need regular updates each month

h.      Newsletter / Social Media – Lengthy discussion, mayor wants more focus on citizens.  Caryn concerns over social media miss-information that she said is post after each meeting and wants council communicates summary report back (last done in March).

i.       Town Manager reports to council - I asked that Council receive regular updates from the interim town manager, Natasha Tucker (includes department activities, etc.).

Overall I think this meeting was productive so I'd like to thank all involved. I am hopeful that future meetings could be held at the Town Center so more citizens can attend.


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