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Dear Citizens of Colonial Beach

I want to officially announce that I will not be running for Mayor.  The reason I’m making an announcement is because numerous people have asked me to run and while I’m flattered that so many people have that level of confidence in my abilities and integrity I just don’t have the extra time in my already demanding schedule.  I strongly encourage someone who is honest, hard working, fiscally conservative and truly cares about this town to step up and run.  My motto is bad things happen when good people do nothing and this town desperately needs good people to step up and do something.  On a final note, there are many willing to help good candidates get elected so please consider running for one of the 4 open seats this fall (Mayor & 3 Council members) to help the citizens of Colonial Beach. Signatures need to be turned in by June 18th.


David Williams- Colonial Beach Town Council

PS I have 2.5 years left of my term so I will be here to support any new members.


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