What the people of Colonial Beach want is to see a plan and visible improvement with their infrastructure.
The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons. Oh, and let’s not forget parking.
Yes, There is a Problem!
If you listen to the mayor and the current Council you might think that Colonial Beach is in the best shape that it’s ever been in. This is just not true. While door knocking so many people have told us that our infrastructure just continually gets worse, in fact if you look at the first major project chosen for the $1.8M ARPA (Federal Funds) to be fixed by the town it seems to benefit one developer quite a bit. The first project is called “central drainage area” which encompasses Colonial Avenue to Boundary St and Washington Ave to the Boardwalk. Our roads are in terrible shape and some candidates just want to say this statement is negative. Well tell that to the people of CB that have to drive on these roads every day. Some of our biggest problems are: Crumbling roads, failing water and sewer pipes, drainage (flooding yards) dangerous sidewalks, lack of parking, deteriorating equipment, and no comprehensive plan to address our challenges.
To be fair, the problems we face were not created by the current mayor, Town Council or Town leader ship but they are responsible for coming up with a solution. Last year David Williams advocated for more visibility and accountability on infrastructure. His suggestions included a map and even a webpage dedicated solely to infrastructure. As the Public Works Liaison, he has recently advocated to start up an infrastructure committee to start addressing and tackling our biggest issues and he was basically ignored. If we keep everything behind the curtain, our big problems will never get resolved.
A Positive Future
The time for Change candidates do not have all the answers but we are committed to making infrastructure a top priority. Recently the town published a map with paving locations which we believe is in line with the transparency we are advocating for. The nearly $10M in ARPA federal funds received is slated for infrastructure which is good but will require “Real” fiscally conservative Council members to help ensure the funds are utilized to benefit all citizens. Let’s face it, in 2022 $10M is not a lot of money considering the major challenges we face with infrastructure so that money needs to be spent wisely. The key to our success will be in creating a solid plan while showing we are serious about addressing your needs and not those of special interest. CB residents often get the short end of the stick and our pledge is that this will not happen on our watch!
For The People
In order to make the people happy, government actually needs to listen to its citizens. Our commitment is to put the residents of CB first.
Vote Williams, DiNenna and Montalvo Nov 8th 2022