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Councilman Williams Update 1/17/24

Grant funds received, Updates on: Water/ Sewer/ Finance/ County/ Schools, etc., Audit Report, Budget Timeline for this year, Animal ordinance and New Public Works purchase were all on Wednesday’s agenda.


Resolution #03-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget, General Fund (Sale of Surplus) - Sale of a surplus police vehicle for $1,125. Move funds to general fund 7-0


Resolution #04-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget, General Fund (DEQ Litter Grant) - $937 additional Grant funds received for FY 23-24 Vote 7-0


Resolution #05-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget, General Fund (VFIRS Fire Dept. Grant) - $700 Fire Grant for hardware move to General fund Vote 7-0


Resolution #06-24. Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget, General Fund (VRSA Risk Mgmt. Grant) - this is for risk mitigation like auto, workers comp and cybersecurity. Vote to move $4,000 to the general fund 7-0


Council Member Announcements

Public Works - Mention of significant discussion about our wastewater treatment plant at the council retreat.

Planning Commission - they elected new officers, Vicki Luna is now the Chair, and Bailey Thompson is the Vice Chair.  Proposed edits were made to C1 zone (mainly impacting car washes as CUP vs by-right)

Housing Authority - Main focus is to keep seniors in their homes, considering affordable/ workforce housing and possibly of splitting in two to have a 501c3.  Discussion on development of property they own on Rt 205.

Schools- Mentioned reorganization meeting, budget, calendar, etc.

NGOs - Recent alliance meeting where there was 12 people in attendance and guest speaker was Ms. Potts our public relations manager. Said they need volunteers for sip and stroll and mentioned good opportunity for nonprofits to raise funds.

Public safety - Neighborhood watch meeting in February, Fire Escape Grill will have a fundraising event for the fire department. 

Finance - Budget timelines, citizens will have time to give input.

Mayor - Fire and rescue have new officers, board of supervisor has a new Chair (Woody), Strategic planning meeting new focus on wastewater treatment plant (citizens will be getting monthly updates), economic developments - Chamber 2024 guide book outreach, New online GIS data available for public.


Town Manager Update/ Quarterly Reports - 

·        Marina outreach efforts

·        Strategic planning meeting which included wastewater treatment plant legislative priorities, mention of privatization inquiries, and other options, including water authority.

·        Finance report for Q2 we are halfway with revenue and expenditures, sewer expenses are much higher than revenues, water fund is doing well, $3.5 million in repairs is a big factor, the majority of the 3.7 million ARPA funds has been committed or spent ($20k left)

·        Public safety – Police: 2,689 calls many of those were traffic, there were 54 arrests crime seems to be highest at night and weekends. Fire department had 121 calls 32 fire 11 motor vehicle, 26 Public service and 387 hours. Rescue squad calls averaged 4 minutes, 267 duty hours. Our accreditation status - Police Department is asking for an extension to early 2026. 

·        Infrastructure and public works - SCADA system will be installed very soon, PW assessment underway, requesting new air compressors, stated public is not aware of much of what is going on, discuss public versus private wastewater treatment plant, promised to communicate better, a company called Moonshot is creating a report about our wastewater treatment plant (recommended by DEQ three-person team. Do not have engineers on board), Director has been in contact with the engineering firm that did the 2008 upgrades.

Mayor stated that there were “some funds” available to make repairs so rates are safe “this year”.  


Comprehensive Annual Audit Financial Report (CAFR), Aaron Hawkins, Robinson, Farmer,

Coz & Associates - He found everything to be materially correct, 83 internal controls were tested, found to be in compliance. I asked how our audit finding for separation of duties/controls was resolved, and he said the prior town manager shifted some duties around, and he no longer found it necessary to keep that as a finding. I mentioned how at a prior meeting the mayor had stated that it would take four + employees to resolve the issue so I was confused as to how we fixed with no new employees.  He did say outstanding checks was a concern e.g. checks from 2016. CFO is addressing. He mentioned school items: capital assets, cash matching with town books and revenue accruals.  I asked if the report would be available to the public and was told yes it would be posted.


Westmoreland County, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor & Mr. Ben Prescott, Westmoreland

County Administrator - Supervisor introduced the new county administrator and mentioned some things they were working on. Asked about rescue squad hours and was told last quarter was a bit low but now back up. New Chair after 18 years (Woody).  Administrator gave an overview of his background and said we would see much more of him than we did of prior administrator.


Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell Superintendent - He talked about their organization meeting, ADM average daily member is up (610, 581 w/o PreK). Capital Improvement Projects - concession stand, lighting, HVAC, new front entrance design and generator at the high school.


Public Comment

Citizen - representing the alliance thanked Rick for being liaison, mentioned events calendar and sip and stroll for fundraising opportunities.


Ordinance No. 755, Amends Chapter 3, Animals and Fowls of the Town of Colonial

Beach Code of Ordinances, Town Attorney - This has been discussed multiple times and we’re still considering the penalty aspect. My concern is even the lowest penalty class 4 misdemeanor carries a permanent criminal record.  The police chief and the Town attorney will discuss further and come back to council recommendation.


Resolution #07-24, Adopts Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Timeline - We went over the budget timeline and made a few changes - 1) April 3rd meeting will start at 4pm and focus on the budget, 2) to have a final vote at the June 5th Work Session.  I’ve been advocating for the budget process to be more public and council seems to be more receptive to that this year.  I reminded everyone that this is council’s budget not the town managers. We have fiduciary responsibility. Vote 7-0 to accept the timeline


Review of Air Compressor Quotes, Public Works Director - We were told this was a required waste water treatment plant purchase costing $35k.  The write up said council approval was needed but we were told it was not needed because the purchase was under $100k and we already approved the settlement funds were authorized to be used for repairs.  I’m glad the town is taking the plant issues seriously but hope we are not just throwing money at the problem.  To me we need to ensure a plan is in place.  Vote 7-0


No closed meetings 


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