Quarterly reports, financial audit, Sewer plant updates, Park updates, sidewalk updates, bylaws passed, appointment of planning commission member, resiliency plan past and a public hearing set, were all on Wednesday’s agenda.
Approval of November 20, 2024 Meeting Minutes - passed 4-0 with the 3 new members abstaining
Council Member Reports
Public Works - Wood gave kudos on the efforts to remove snow.
Planning Commission – There was a tie vote for the election of their new chair so they currently do not have a chair. Zoning administrator ran the meeting. The CIP capital improvement plan hearing was held, and there were several comments including: lack of descriptions, sidewalks, format, lack of financial information, etc. PC also passed a new work plan and set a public meeting date for the FAR, March 13th.
Mayor - mentioned recent ribbon, cuttings, and the future opening of a new Italian restaurant where Fire Escape Grille is.
Town Manager Update
2nd Quarter Financial Report, Director of Finance - we were presented with generic revenues and expenses for the 2nd quarter (see link below) it was stated that sewer and water collections are a bit behind. There was also an ARPA fund statement included.
4th Quarter Public Safety Report - the police department has two vacancies. He went over some of the recent crime statistics. See link for details https://www.colonialbeachva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2463/Public-Safety-2024-Q4-Report-
Sewer Plant Update, Inboden - reduced winter use and cold weather is impacting waste, water quality, specifically ammonia levels. Mixer motors are to be replaced soon and next high priority will be the 2nd SCADA and getting rid of excess solids.
Link to full report.
The town once again has a full-time Parks and Rec Director. Sally Adam’s was promoted. Congratulations to her!
Recognition for Years of Service, Sgt Wright for 10 years - Congratulations!
The first water quality fine installment payment was made $23,000.
Sidewalks - as part of the ADA violation notice we will begin working on Irving Avenue repairs to be completed by June 30 with an estimated cost of $75K.
Eleanor Park - an initial site plan has been completed, three slabs for benches have been poured, bench install to start soon. The draft site plan was not released to the public prior to work beginning so I asked that in the future draft site plans be released to the public so they could give input. According to the town manager and Mayor, vague sketches are sufficient and the public does not need to see the site plan details. Kenny asked for a status update on the NorthPark and he was told that the RFP would be out soon. I asked if those plans could be released to the public in advance and was given excuses by the mayor and town manager as to why that is not a good idea.
North Beach update – the grant application is set to be submitted timely.
Comprehensive Annual Audit Financial Report (CAFR), Aaron Hawkins, Robinson, Farmer, Cox & Associates - Council was presented with a 100-page binder with our audit results. It was a lot of information to go through, but he did mention there was a material weakness. There were no federal findings, but there was a finding for the school regarding withholding submission delays. He also stated that the bank recon was not done timely. More to come after we have a chance to actually review the full audit.
Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor - He congratulated officer Wright, announced that Darrell Fisher is once again the chair and Trivett is the vice chair, he also stated that he would personally be doing the audit of the county trash collection center, introduced Mr. Taylor, as the new county administrator. The mayor mentioned the opioid settlement funds as being an important program.
Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Addo, Superintendent - Schools are in their second semester, there’s a whole slew of mandates like Virginia literacy, acts, mass standards, etc., announced to new teachers, Michelle Payne is the chair and Patrice Lyburn is the vice chair. The schools are currently in the budget season and several CIP projects are under way including the front entrance-way starting this summer.
Public Comment
Vicki Luna PC chair – Stated that in her six-year history, and even further back, the commission has always made recommendations for new members, and according to bylaws they shall. For some reason the process was skipped and brought straight to town council this year.
Citizen - asked that the town Council waive the museum water and sewer fees again this year.
Citizen- Raised concerns about the North Beach boardwalk, stated the town owns the boardwalk not residents, ask the town to please help. The mayor stated that there would be a residents follow up meeting soon.
Citizen – Suggested that the bylaws needed to be improved specifically regarding conflict of interest, necessity of closed sessions, stated that liaisons were a time sucker and suggested committees would be better to help improve oversight for more important items including sewer plant. Also stated the resiliency plan had major errors.
Citizen- Mike Mohler from the Bird rescue group in town stated concerns over bird flu and said the state needed to come up with protocols. It’s dangerous and the town manager should alert citizens on protocol.
Citizen - Stated 40% plus seemed low for revenues collected, concerns over the trash fund and how to pay back ARPA, CIP deficiencies, including wastewater treatment plant and sidewalks. Suggested to be proactive and addressing sidewalk issues.
Election of Vice Mayor - Rick Wood quickly announced he was nominating Kenny Allison again because he did such a great job previously. It was obvious this was being rushed through to ensure Mr. Allison would be vice mayor again. With no other nominations Kenny won 7–0
Liaison Assignments -
Lisa Grandstaff – Economic Development, Maggie Sanford – Parks and Rec, Kenny Allison – Public Works, Tom Larson – Finance and NGO, Rick Wood - Public Safety and Planning Commission, Mayor – Administration, David Williams – Schools
I stated that I did not support liaisons, but did not have enough support to eliminate them at this time. I did say that possibly once the new members actually experience liaisons, they may change their mind and go for committees.
Resolution #01-25, Establishes Town Council Meeting Schedule - the mayor proposed three date changes: cancel March 19th, July 2nd and Sept 3rd. Vote 7-0
Resolution #02-25, Adoption of 2025 Bylaws and Rules of Procedures – There were only 2 minor changes (yes, I checked), I did ask that council be notified if the Mayor and Town manager intended to cancel a meeting. We all agreed on a 48 hour notice. Final vote 7-0
Resolution #03-25, Appointment to the Planning Commission - This was to appoint a new member to the Commission. I pointed out that there was at least a 15-year history of the Planning Commission making appointment recommendation prior to council voting and the mayor confirmed that that was correct. The attorney stated that the bylaws were changed by the planning commission so that council now directly appointments commission members. I was caught off guard and questioned how the appointment procedure change happened. The town attorney said it was included in the PC bylaws that were voted on a couple weeks ago. Myself, the PC Chair and at least one other PC member was unaware of the change (one of many changes). The reason I questioned the change was because I did not hear it discussed at all during any of the PC meetings and it’s a pretty major change to be glossed over in my opinion. Wood quickly nominated Nigel Long, and I said aren’t we giving all candidates an opportunity to speak? I nominated Lauren Adams who has a background in engineering and construction. Linda Brubaker was also a candidate and while I know she would have done a great job I thought that the majority of council might support an engineer over a prior Council or Mayor candidates. The final vote was for Long 4-3. Wood, Larson, Allison and Schick voted for Long and Grandstaff, Sanford and Williams voted for Adams.
I’m hopeful Mr. Long proves to be independent, but I’m not certain based on his public comments of supporting building on tiny lots and allowing RV camping in town. Last year I questioned a council appointee who claimed to be independent but voted 98% with the mayor and is now carrying her water.
Resiliency Plan, The Berkely Group - council was presented with the final draft of the plan. I specifically asked why the North Boardwalk Beach project was now called Virginia Avenue project. The explanation was, it was segregated, but also part of the North Beach. The Mayor agreed the name was confusing and suggested that we change the name. I also asked the presenter from the Berkeley group if this project just benefited 4 homes as was mentioned in our strategic planning meeting by Mr. Allison. The representative said no it did not just benefit a few homes and the mayor got a bit defensive but I distinctly heard her and Mr. Allison speak negatively about the North Beach project in the strategic planning meeting. I also raised concerns and asked if additional corrections could be made in the future and the representative seem to indicate that we should address any changes now. Final vote to pass the plan 7–0
Darla Odom, Interim Director of Community Development and Zoning Authorize Advertisement of a Public Hearing: Zoning Text Amendment ZTA 25-01 Amendment to Article 17 (Board of Zoning Appeals Variances and Provisions for Appeal), Darla Odom, Interim Director of Community Development and Zoning - we were told that this is just to make minor changes, but after my experience with the planning commission change, I am of the opinion that every document needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb so we don’t vote for things we are not aware of. Vote to advertise 7–0.
Closed Meeting
Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 (A) (7 and 8) for the purpose of consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual and probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the Town Council, and consultation with legal counsel retained by the Town Council regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such legal counsel. Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 (A)(5) for the purpose of discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in locating its facilities in the community.
Councilman David Williams
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