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Councilman Williams Update 1/4/23

Wednesday night was our first meeting of 2023 and we discussed meeting dates, bylaws, Liaison roles/ duties and selected a new vice mayor along with other admin items.

Approval of Minutes -

Only one of the proposed minutes were ready but were received the same day so I asked if we could postpone until next meeting. All agreed.

Council Member Liaison updates -

It was announced that the WWER radio station is looking for a location and planning commission will meet on 1/26 and Parks & Rec has vacancies that need to be filled.

Election of Vice Mayor -

Vickie Roberson Nominated Kenny Allison, I nominated Tom Moncure (he declined) so I nominated Caryn Self-Sullivan (she declined- too busy). In the future I would like to work with Mr. Allison for the good of the public but could not support his candidacy for Vice Mayor for several reasons. I will not go into details but most residents know Kenny and I don’t agree politically and he has been one of my biggest critics, especially over the last year.

The final vote was 6-1 with me being the only No vote.

Liaison Assignments -

According to the Mayor one of her few powers is the appointment of Liaison roles. Prior to the meeting, I requested to keep Public Works but also provided other choices including Planning Commission, Schools or Finance and was rejected on all.

New Assignments *Changes in red

Allison - Parks & Rec and Finance

Wood- Public Works and NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations)

Self-Sullivan- Planning Commission

Moncure - Public Safety

Roberson - Schools

Williams - Economic Development

While I did not specifically ask for Economic Development. I do believe this is an area of importance that I may be able to help foster a relationship between the town and the public.

Resolution #01-22, Establishes Town Council Meeting Schedule-

We decided on the first and third Wednesdays, as has been done in the past, but we also decided to eliminate the July work session and discussed alternatives for them work sessions. Vickie suggested we eliminate some work sessions and I said perhaps we should keep but use to dig deeper on major projects (the Mayor agreed).

DRAFT, Resolution #02-23, Adoption of 2023 Bylaws and Rules of Procedure -

This is a discussion that happens annually and any changes are discussed and voted on. We decided on a process for remote participation, emergency meetings, and also discussed Liaison roles. Take away for me is that council members can be liaisons (not a common process), but should not be Liaisons for entities under supervision of Town Manager, example Public Works or Finance. This makes sense to me because last year it was a bit frustrating not being able to talk to public works employees or interact with them. All my meetings were primarily with the Town managers supervision and PW Director. As I mentioned Wednesday, I felt like I was being spoon-fed information, but the town attorney clarified this is proper, and Members should not be a liaison for a direct reports to the town manager. The suggestion was that we have an infrastructure committee, for example. Another interesting topic that was brought up was how council appoints positions, and one of them is treasurer, it was discussed how the treasurer might actually need to report to Town Council versus Town manager. A citizen had brought this to my attention previously and said there was a reason that there should be separation of duties between the person handling the money and the person spending it. I have no idea how this will pan out, but will follow up later.

Discussion, Civility Pledge - Caryn Self-Sullivan originally brought this to Council, which is really just a pledge to be civil. I do not believe a pledge would have stopped the interruptions, social media attacks or lengthy public lectures I’ve received. The Attorney said the language in our bylaws was basically what the pledge says so it was redundant and in my opinion not effective.

Adjacent Owner

Acknowledgement Form for Marina Improvements Permit Review, Zoning Administrator and Interim Director of Community Development & Zoning -

This was basically to give the owners of Ice House access to public right of way so they can upgrade their Marina. Vote 7-0

There will also be a future request to possibly purchase the public right away, which also includes an old boat ramp.

Closed Meeting

legal counsel regarding the following matter requiring the provision of legal advice: claim filed by town employee.

Economic Development update

I am now the Economic Development Liaison, so stay tuned for future reports on their activities. Their meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 5:00pm.

There will be a council strategic planning meeting on Friday January 13th 9:00a to 4:00pm in Dahlgren for all that want to attend at Mary Washington Dahlgren Campus - 4224 University Dr King George, VA

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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