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Councilman Williams Update 11/15/23

Fire Department Recognition, Emergency Communication Plan Update, Sewer Spill and Deteriorating Plant, Toter Stencil Date Extension, Fire Prevention, New Short Term Rental Fee, Legislative Agenda, Body Cam/ Taser purchase, Property Purchase with Remaining Yacht Club Funds and Police Chief has Resigned.

Additions to the Agenda – Mayor requested Council add a discussion of sewer spill and combining December regular meeting with the work session on December 6th.

Approval of Minutes for April 5, 2023 - Vote 7-0

Council Member Announcements

NGO– Neighbor to Neighbor is now a 501 c3 non-profit Public Works – Central Drainage area will be complete by Nov 30. Mr. Wood suggested we may want to consider selling our sewer treatment plant. Economic Development – Manager meeting state reps, town not development ready, kayak business opportunities being discussed. Economic Development Committee: does not think town is business friendly, needs more feedback on workforce housing, supports food truck court on Washington and is attempting to take the committee from the Chamber and putting it under Down Town Colonial Beach (DCB), Mr. Eric Nelson is the new President of DCB. Housing Authority – They have 2 openings Planning Commission – Voted to approve Food truck court on Washington (Council will vote on 12/6), approved the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) amendments and site plan changes (All votes 7-0) Public Safety – Meetings with Fire, Rescue etc., setting up biweekly meetings with Police chief, dinner at CBVFD Ladies Auxiliary and received feedback regarding fire ordinance. Parks and Rec – New chair for committee, application for new member, new events calendar and Nov 25 is business holiday. Admin –Trivett re-elected, GO VA meeting, new data center approved for King George, Town holiday decorations will be put up soon.

Town Manager Update

· Finance audit underway

· Job openings for Planner and Waste Water treatment plant operator.

· Events calendar, Park plan reveal December, Grant for additional swing for beach, holiday lights Nov 20th, Storm water plans Nov/ Dec.

· Toter update – if you have your own personal toter in good condition the town has an online form you can fill out to have it stenciled and use as 2nd can for the life of the toter (savings of $30 a year). Submit by Dec 21st

· 3 Public hearings Dec 6th (see PC update above)

Recognition of Achievement, Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department -The Town recognized the Fire Department for recent contests they took first place in and for all their hard work in serving the people of Colonial Beach. Thank you CBVFD!!!!

Colonial Beach Public Schools, Superintendent – Had an event for the Veterans, Theatre Club won one act play contest, working on 2-year calendar, Younkin’s all-in Tutoring Initiative, Safety concerns over safety of students that walk home (crossing guards, speed reduction and sidewalks)

Emergency Communications Plan, Maurisa Potts – She presented an emergency communications plan. Said it’s a playbook/ guide for what to do during events and how to communicate with Council and the public. Levels 1-5 starting at low and going to extreme. We now have a report form to help manage and record. I asked if all stakeholders will be allowed to provide input and answer was yes. Mayor asked for weekly accountability report for public works.

Sewer Spill/ Sewer Plant Discussion (Director of PW)–We were given a briefing on the Nov 11 spill which was discovered around 7am. Highlights

· Spill area had been revised (lowered) and was treated with lime.

· 3k gal recovered of the 45k gal spill

· Cause was failed pump, 15 years old (I asked if this was on Directors previous request and answer was no).

· The pump runs 24/7 and was rebuilt several years ago (2 pumps were combined to fix problem and there is a bypass in place in case of another fail).

· I asked how we had 45,000-gal spill with 24/7 crew coverage and was told the issue was discovered timely but took 2.5 hours to stop once discovered.

· We were told these spills have no impact on drinking water safety.

· The plant has 7 employees with 2 current vacancies and running 24/7 is stretching them thin. Plant operators are very difficult to find.

· We are now being told we need $3.6M in plant repairs and upgrades. The list was huge and we were given the impression the plant is falling apart.

· I commented that while this problem started prior to current management, the plant has been mismanaged, continues to be and someone needs to take responsibility.

· In my opinion, we are top heavy with management and we keep being told we need more managers. Current management is suggesting we need even more managers to keep things running. Really??

· Director suggested we consider selling the plant.

· The Mayor commented that she likes the idea of hiring a utilities manager, wants weekly reports and thinks the public needs to be educated on water vs sewer (i.e., concerns over drinking water).

Town manager suggested moving $30k in unused legal funds to help with recruitment/retention. Caryn made the motion to move the $30k. I said this was not on the agenda and not fair to just spring on council so I made a motion to table until next meeting. No one seconded my motion and the final vote was 6-1 (I support the effort but there was no reason council could not have been notified in advance)

Public Comment

Citizen – Do not understand why people with working toters need to pay $30 a quarter.

Write in – More oversight needed with FAR (house size), concerns over 3 story house on 9th St, our zoning approval process does not have fail safes and we need protections including Chesapeake Bay Act oversight.

Ordinance No. 752, Amends Chapter 10, Fire Prevention & Protection of the Town, Town Attorney –This was to update the ordinance and based on my request at the prior meeting the Fire Chief was able to provide feedback. Main concerns were fireworks (few permits issued), burn permits and how town manager seems to be listed as person in charge of fire prevention. We decided to table a vote until we determine a burn notice policy which the chief supported. I suggested we have the form on line and make it really easy to track.

Resolution #43-23, Establishes Short Term Rental Zoning Permit Fee, Director of Community Development & Zoning – This had been discussed multiple times and Council agreed the fee should be set at $50. Vote 7-0

2024 Legislative Agenda, India Adams-Jacobs, Town Manager – A list is sent to the state legislature every year to request support on CB priorities. The list included 1. Beach erosion control, 2. Sidewalks 3. Town pier 4. Broadband expansion 5. New town center 6. Walking path to Monroe’s Birthplace 7. Oppose cigarette bans 8. Improved maritime efforts. I said I did not support the Monroe path but voted yes in order to not stop the unanimous support that was needed in order to move forward. Vote 7-0

Body Camera Procurement, Chief of Police – We were told PD needed tasers and body cams. I asked a few people in law enforcement if this was a necessary expenditure and they said yes so, I supported the purchase. Total cost is being spread over 5 years and includes upgrades and maintenance. Council approved the purchase of $17,900 per year. Vote 7-0

Combined December Regular meeting and Work Session into one meeting - Council voted 7-0 to have the combined meeting on Dec 6th.

Closed Meeting -

Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body – After the closed meeting council came out and voted to purchase 800 Colonial Ave for $550k which is the old Beach Gate Hotel. Reason for purchase was “public use”. I voted no because of 2 things:

#1 The remaining Yacht Club funds (nearly $500k were being used and I was not given advanced notice of this. It’s my understanding, to spend those funds requires a super majority vote so a last-minute decision with no notice to public did not seem right.

#2 Not long before this vote we were told we needed $3.6M in sewer upgrades so to me the decision seemed a bit irresponsible. Is the plant really falling apart and in need of emergency repairs or not?

Final vote to purchase was 6-1 with me being the only no vote.

Discussion related to the performance of council appointed employee(s)-

For the purpose of consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members pertaining to actual or probable litigation.

The Police Chief resigned the day after our meeting – While I cannot discuss closed session items, I can say the Chief left the same day he resigned. Council turned over the hiring and supervision of CB Police Chief to the town manager in 2022 so she will be fully responsible for hiring and managing our next chief. While I was told the move to Town Manager supervision was common place, I’m not sure that was the right move given the state of politics in CB and the fact that we have concentrated almost all power to that office. This is merely my opinion but we need to consider the state of our PD and whether it is possible to recruit and keep good Chiefs and officers. Competition is fierce for recruitments and opportunities are limited in a small town like ours.

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