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Councilman Williams Update 11/16/22

Major infrastructure planning/projects, pier piling replacement, finance, Westmoreland settlement and a new town Attorney were all on the agenda. See my blog for my account of our most recent Meeting.

Tom Moncure was absent

Approval of Minutes- October 19th, 2022

Budget Amendments & Appropriations - $33,200 was received from the sale of 2 public works vehicles and the money was added back to the general fund.

New carpet for the library – Funds were approved $20,832. Vote 6-0

Piling replacement town pier - We voted to spend another $60k to replace 20 pilings. Lesson learned, have an engineer inspect prior to spending $100k to replace decking.

Council Member Announcements

Parks and Rec committee is still looking for a new member and continues to hold events and pop ups. Planning Commission is addressing mobile vendors (food truck court between Suki and Denson’s) and PC still has a vacancy. Non-Profits/ NGOs - primarily events announced. Mayor/ Admin - congratulated the candidates and mentioned some recent events she has attended. Public Works - (see below)

Town Manager Update - Financial audit is underway, CIP budget meetings are beginning, signage is in the design phase, the town has several vacancies, counsel communicates is on town website, the mayor town manager in parks and rec Director met with Representatives Whitman and Ransone, Parks and Rec has a fall catalog out.

Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett - He congratulated the candidates, a handicap tax exemption is being considered, announced that the Board of supervisors had approved the agreement regarding the sewer treatment plant, the the county will receive $360K over 20 years as part of an opiate settlement and the Sheriffs department is raising funds to sponsor families for Christmas.

Colonial Beach Public Schools - Dr. Mitchell was not in but Self-Sullivan mentioned strategic planning and that she and BAMM would be involved.

Investment Analysis, R.T. Taylor (Davenport) - We were given an update regarding our financial status specifically as it relates to investing our extra cash because interest rates are rising. It was mentioned the town should consider its options.

Resolution #45-22, Relating to the Support of the Virginia America 250 Commission Recitals, Mayor Schick - This was discussed at the prior work session and was to reaffirm our support for heritage tourism. Vote 6-0

Resolution #49-22, Affirming Commitment to Fund Locality Share of Projects under Agreement with VDOT and Provide Signature Authority Grant Manager - This was affirming Council‘s commitment to match VDOT funding for the Dwight Avenue extension which would be $1.85M of the $3.7M total. Vote 6-0

PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No 735, Amendments to Town Code of Ordinances, Chapters 3, 4 and 14, Town Attorney -

Chapter 3 animals, fouls and rules surrounding (examples: bees, exotic animals, leashes, animal waste, etc.). This chapter was put on hold but one of the concerns I have is the Mayor and Self-Sullivan supported adding a blanket class 4 misdemeanor penalty for all violations. I’m not sure it is appropriate to give people a criminal record for each violation of this ordinance (in some cases only fines may be more appropriate). This ordinance was placed on hold until additional updates could be reviewed.

Chapter 4, automobile graveyards - 5 or more inoperable vehicles would fall in his category. There was some discussion as to whether any existed in town but we believe there’s at least one or two. we voted 6-0 to pass the edits to this ordinance.

Chapter 14 Motor vehicles in traffic - many of the edits were to ensure we were in compliance with state laws. Vote 6-0

Resolution #50-22, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, General

Fund (CBVFD Funding Request), Director of Finance/CFO - this was to release CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) funds to the fire department so they could purchase a truck and other equipment. Vote 6-0

Authorize Town Manager to enter into agreement with the Berkley Group, for the development of a Resiliency & Stormwater Plan (RFP #22- 08-RSS-001), Town Manager - this plan will cost $312k and $103k will come from a grant received. The remaining money will come from the ARPA Funds. I asked for the ARPA balance and of the approximate $3.8M we have committed roughly $210k to golf cart path, $2.1M to central drainage area and now $209k to resiliency and drainage planning. We do still have the $5.7M DEQ ARPA funds as well.

Resolution #51-22, Appointment of Town Attorney - Our full time Town Attorney/ Community Planner Ms. Seay has resigned and this was to appoint a contract Attorney from Sans Anderson. We will now be hiring a full time Zoning Administrator which I believe is the right move with all the development going on in town.

Closed Meeting

legal counsel pertaining to the following subjects:

• Two or more litigation matters pending and/or threatened in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond Division; and

• Two or more matters now pending in the Westmoreland County Circuit Court.

• Legal advice by such counsel pertaining to development and/or transfers of rights in multiple parcels of Town owned real property and potential acquisition of real property.

After the close meeting we came out and voted to approve the final settlement for the Westmoreland County suit regarding the wastewater treatment plant.

Public works update

Pier Pilings - The town will be spending roughly $60K to replace 20 pilings on the town pier. Work should begin this winter or spring prior to the summer season.

Golf Cart Path Northside golf cart path has been paved and we will be adding gravel to the sides to level off the edges and fencing will be added to the ends as well. Lighting will not come until the spring.

The central drainage project is out for bid. The town is hiring a project manager for this and the cost is roughly $2.1 million. This project primarily is from Colonial Avenue to Boundary and from Washington to the boardwalk.

Castlewood Park will be getting additional millings and rolls and lines added to the parking lot. There was also some topsoil and straw added over near the well head to protect the tree roots that were becoming damaged.

Holiday lights will be put up sometime next week.

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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