Wednesday nights work session was under an hour and included: Budget items, Accreditation grant for PD, Civility Pledge, Dwight Ave extension and other items.
While I was not able to attend Wednesday night’s work session, I did watch it online and below is my update.
Approval of Minutes- November 17th, 2021, October 5th & 19th, 2022. Town staff is attempting to catch up on the backlog of minutes by starting with the latest first which is why you see a mix of 2021 and 2022.
Resolution #43-22, FY 21-22 Budget Amendment & Appropriation, General Fund
The Town has historically recorded grant funds based on when the grant funds are received. The auditors requested all grant funds be recorded as revenue and expenditures and record the receivable at the time of grant reimbursement request. This was approved and now $274,889.95 of grant funding will be recorded as a receivable instead of revenue.
Resolution #44-22, Authorizes Town Manager to enter into Agreement with U.S. Department of Justice for Accreditation Grant - passed 6-0
Council Member Reports -
NGO report can be found on line, Planning Commission is still taking applications, Riverwood event was a success (PD, Oak Grove Baptist Church, voter registration, the Mayor, myself and Mrs. Montalvo were all in attendance). The homecoming parade was attended by the majority of council members including myself. Town Hall on Town Hill was a big success, it gave me the opportunity to learn even more about our public works operations and other departments. All town departments were represented and many residents attended.
Citizen Input - no input
Dwight Avenue Extension, Town Manager & Deputy Director of Public Works - This VDOT revenue sharing project is to connect both ends of Dwight Ave. The estimated cost is now $3.7M, an increase of about $500k and the towns share would be about $1.85 million. This was just an update and more info soon to come. From the looks of the map presented, this new road will open up dozens of new building lots for development.
VML Civility Pledge, Councilmember Self Sullivan -
The premise of the pledge is to encourage a more civil government. Moncure quoted Jefferson “there are only two unpardonable sins, lying and meanness of spirit” so if we are not doing those two things, discourse can be rough and tumble at times so he would probably not support this. Self Sullivan wanted to have this signed right away but the others were less convinced. I personally believe our bylaws already call for us to act with civility.
Resolution #45-22, Relating to the Support of the Virginia America 250 Commission Recitals, Mayor Schick - This is commemorating the 250-year anniversary of the Commonwealth of Virginia. There may be events around the commonwealth and Monroe’s Birthplace is part of that history.
DRAFT Ordinance No 735, Amendments to Town Code of Ordinances, Chapters 3, 4 and 14, Town Attorney - This is part of the ordinance cleanup the town attorney has been working on. Chapter 3 has to do with animals and fowls in town (county function) and chapter 4 is automobile graveyards. Chapter 14 has to do with town decals/ license fee and the recent changes to get rid of decals for cars (golf cart decal remains)
Closed Meeting- Consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual or probable litigation where such consultation pertaining to a matter now pending in the Westmoreland County Circuit Court.
Public works liaison update
· Golf cart path - the prep work is complete and the paving will start the week of Nov 14th. Lighting will be added in the spring due to supply issues.
· Road Paving will happen the week of Nov 14th.
· Town staff continues work on updating our trash ordinance.
· The potential North Beach erosion project is currently in the scoping phase.
· The parking meters have been covered to protect them while not in use for Oct-Mar.
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