Grant funds, Town Manager Updates, Sidewalk Repair Update, Budget Timeline, CIP Hearing Set, Legislative Agenda and Maritime Resort (RV Camping) Hearing Set were all topics on Wednesdays Agenda.
Minutes October 2 and 16, 2024 Approved Vote 7-0
Resolution #38-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2024-2025, General Budget for VRSA Risk Management Grant Proceeds – The town received grant funds for training. I asked if we had a plan for the funds and was told staff would be using the money to train on Microsoft software programs like excel and Share Point.
Vote 7-0
Council Member Liaison and Commission Reports
Public Works - Mentioned water sewer line repairs on 6th, 10th and the Point.
Planning Commission – Meeting was 11/14, they talked about Resilience plan community meeting was 11/21, work plan discussion and FAR stakeholder meeting to come in Feb/ March. There will be a Planning Commission seat open in January please apply
Board of Zoning Appeals – Meeting scheduled for Dec 17th Re: Builder chopped down trees 9th St.
NGO – Osprey Foundation presented at the school and they gave a $1k grant for a study, Chambers Winter Festival/ Parade Dec 7th 12-4pm
Schools – Please attend Board meetings, School has Thanksgiving week off and new cell phone policy Dec 6th.
Public Safety – CBVFD Breakfast with Santa Dec 14th, Toy drive at the CBPD
Finance – Budget timeline starting and personal property tax due Dec 6th.
Mayor – Congratulations to new members, EDC waiting on approval of Main Street application and Ribbon cutting on 11/21 at COBE workspace (new property management Co).
Town Manager Update
Sewer Plant Update - We had a good month with few rain events and nitrates continue to be an issue. Blower replaced, a clarifier is out of service and sludge belt issue (delay). Matter of time and money.
Lead and Copper survey - Mandated by EPA, phase 1 complete (2500 service lines). Very few lead pipes (mostly connectors remain) and some lead in copper solder. I asked how we surveyed house lines and was told there are various methods and more work to do there.
Resilience meeting was Nov 21 and Dec 6th last day for public input.
North Beach Update – There was a residents meeting on 10/22 and the grant mentioned is now due 1/25/25 (in progress).
WQIF Letter – The water quality grant we were fined for is being appealed on the grounds the town feels it should have been rolled up under the consent order last summer.
Sidewalks – The ADA compliance plan due to VDOT was submitted last month and it includes plans for 9 locations with an estimated cost of over $600k. The plan submitted is for 5 years with 2 locations a year to be addressed. Some work has already been done on Washington and Colonial. I asked if power poles were part of the write up and Director said he would check into that. I also asked to verify if 4’ width was acceptable and was told yes. Brown asked if due to a citizen complaint are we required to fix vs possibly removing sidewalks from the Point for example. Town Manager said yes, we need to fix not remove. Allison asked about tree roots and we were told no plans to remove trees and there are ways to deal with those situations without killing trees. Finally, we were told we will have someone from the engineering firm come answer questions at a future meeting.
Thanksgiving Proclamation - Read by the Mayor
Emergency Management, Blake Byrd, Director of Emergency Management Services – The County is currently redoing the EOP Emergency Operations Plan (Jan to the Departments, Feb stakeholders meeting, March to Board of Supervisors for adoption). Some concerns were raised about our plans including shelter locations and I asked if the High School will be a location once they get their generator and Byrd said he will investigate. We were also told their website was being updated and evacuation plans were being addressed.
Recognition of Years of Service, Laura Brewer (5 years) and Chief Parson (10 years) - Congrats and thanks for your service.
Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor – He congratulated the chief, Mayor and newest council members. He mentioned shopping with the Sheriff which is a way to support families by giving them a Christmas. The new county administrator will start soon, the burn ban has been lifted and County work sessions have been cancelled for Nov and Dec. Also stated that CB Volunteer Rescue Squad is still active.
Colonial Beach Public Schools, Superintendent - Absent
Public Comment
Nelson – Thanked Council members and congratulated the Mayor. CB Creative is open, Downtown Colonial Beach and Main Street was recognized by USDA. He stated that an incoming council member made defamatory remarks about him and he’s not sure how to pursue.
Long – Mentioned new Council members, stated legislative agenda should include Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Henson – Asked how the Bike Fest was from the town’s perspective.
Whelan – Regarding RV park said council was forward thinking but the property for sale on the point was not the right location. The Mayor interrupted saying he was providing false information and that town property was not for sale. I said point of order Mayor are we supposed to be arguing with citizens and she said if they are giving false information we can. I said the Yacht Club property was for sale and her father said it at a PC meeting and she said is Castlewood or town property for sale, I replied no. I listened back to the meeting the speaker never said Castlewood or town property and afterword, I clarified with him that was not what he was referring to and it was indeed the Yacht Club he opposed making an RV Park.
Nuckols – The budget timeline was bad last year and it doesn’t make sense especially since the April 1st presentation leaves little time to react. Suggested we should hold the RV hearing until after the new council members start.
Kyle Schick – Supports Maritime Resort, said it passed overwhelmingly by Planning Commission.
2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), Natasha Tucker, Town Manager
Council Voted 7-0 to Set for Public Hearing on December 4, 2024
Resolution # 39-24, Adopts Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Timeline, Lisa Okes, Director of Finance
I said in my opinion the timeline was poor last year and others seemed to agree. In the end we settled on requiring the town manager to present to council in February where we can discuss with department heads. Council also agreed the budget needed to be published to the public at that time. We also asked the CIP follow the same process vs us receiving in May or June like last year. Vote 7-0
RFP 2025-002, Downtown Connectivity Planning Services for Downtown Colonial Beach, Natasha Tucker, Town Manager – Town staff assisted Downtown Colonial Beach with the request for proposal but they are managing the grant study. This study will look at how people travel in the Main Street area. No vote needed.
2025 Legislative Agenda, Natasha Tucker, Town Manager - This is the list we send to our State Representatives asking for assistance and it’s hit or miss (mostly miss) if we get anything outside the COVID money we previously received. The items on the first drafter were: 1- Erosion Control and Beach/ shoreline resiliency, 2-Sidewalks, 3- Pier, 4- Broadband, 5- New Municipal Center, 6- Reduce school match, 7- Maritime/ waterway efforts, 8- Support Economic Development. I asked why was infrastructure and Waste Water Treatment Plant removed and can we add back. I also asked for the Municipal Center to be removed. Brown and Self Sullivan were especially adamant that the Town Center stay, stating the Town Hall bathrooms were horrible and asked to add the Rescue Squad building to the list. Well, the town manager has not once said there was a problem there and has not asked for repairs (vote was 6-1 to keep the municipal center with me voting NO). Brown argued this was just asking for free money so why not keep it on the list. A new Town Center may cost up to $15M and no one can guarantee this will not include a significant cost to the town. Also is this really a resident priority or Council being reckless with your tax dollars especially since we pay State and Federal taxes too.
In the end nothing was removed but infrastructure, rescue building and Dwight Ave extension were added. Final vote was 6-1 with me being the only NO vote. People have continually raised concerns over a multimillion-dollar municipal center so keeping it to me is tone-deaf.
Zoning Text Amendment to Article 20 (Definitions) of the Colonial Beach Zoning Ordinance to add and define the land-use term “Maritime Resort,” Darla Odom, Interim Director of Community Development and Planning
Yes, this is primarily about allowing RV Camping in town. A proposal to add a Maritime Resort District was brought to the Planning Commission out of the blue in May and Kyle Schick was adamant the Commission move this to the top of there work list (well here we are). There was also a perspective buyer for the Yacht club pushing for this. Most Marinas will never even qualify or want to be zoned this way because it requires a restaurant, Marina, hotel and recreation to be zoned this way. I suggested we wait to have the public hearing since new members were just elected and should be a part of the hearing if they were to vote on it but Mrs. Brown was adamant her and the other outgoing members should be involved. We were told Council can vote on Dec 18th or wait until a later date. The Mayor is recusing herself because her family stands to financially gain from this vote since it may help increase their property value and facilitate a sale. Council Voted 4-2 to Set for Public Hearing on December 18, 2024. Kenny and I were the only NO votes
Closed Meeting
Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 (A) (7 and 8) for the purpose of consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the Town Council, and consultation with legal counsel retained by the Town Council regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such legal counsel.
Please email or call with questions or comments:
Councilman Williams - Providing unbiased reports for 3 years and counting.