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Councilman Williams Update 12/15/21

Continuing with my pledge of transparency below is my account of Wednesday’s Regular meeting.

  • I’ll start by saying there was a lot on the agenda, some of which seems to be more appropriate for a work session discussion which is why I asked a number of questions.

  • Ordinance number 720 establishes election times in November. Apparently this is already in line with what we do so not very controversial and the vote was to pass the ordinance 7-0 vote.

  • Resolution 59–21 to appoint interim zoning administrator John Shaw. I had spoke with Mr. Shaw earlier that day and asked a few tough questions like are you qualified, do you have any conflicts of interest and are you related to any of the developers or the realtors in town. I was assured that was not the case so I voted with the rest of town Council 7-0.

  • Resolution 60-21 authorizes town manager to enter into a $22k contract to do a utility study. The study relates directly to water bills and the meters that were installed several years ago. Currently we charge a flat rate of $305 per quarter no matter how much water a household uses. During the meeting I miss-remembered the amount of the increase from 2019 but looking back we did have a significant increase of $70 Oct 2019. I questioned the purpose of this study as just being a way to raise water bills. I also stated that there’s no realistic way to charge by usage and not raise full-time residents bills. I said that many residents already complain about high water bills and asked were there any alternatives to this $22k case study. I reluctantly voted yes since I was told the study was required. I want to reassure residents I do not support an increase but do believe the meters could be used to reduce water waste. Resolution passed 7–0.

  • Resolution 61-21 authorize the town manager to enter into a contract for a parking study. I have personally advocated for a parking study because this town does not seem organized when it comes to parking. My main concern about the study is it will be done during February when there will be zero cars parked in our lots. The mayor reassured me that we have data from parking meters. I was not convinced this was a smart move but was told we had no choice. I voted to proceed with the contract. The resolution passed 7–0.

  • There were two votes to accept grant funds for the fire department and police department. They passed 7-0.

  • Resolution 64–21 to endorse the bike/walking path to Monroe‘s birthplace. The projected cost for a path that is not even in the town of CB has skyrocketed to $5.5M with no end in sight. This project has become very complicated and if we kick in our match of $400k we will still be looking for another $3M and all funds are required up front. I said we need to stop chasing this down a rabbit hole and have the grant writer focus on more productive activities. I suggested applying for grants for a pool or some other activity for families because I keep hearing it repeated over and over that there’s nothing for kids/families to do in CB. There was no vote but the discussion was to get more info and hold a vote next month.

  • Finally there was a vote to approve a new member to the parks and rec committee. After requesting copies of the applications and ensuring this position was publicly advertised I was satisfied the the town is being more transparent with volunteer opportunities. Resolution passed 7-0

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns (540) 604-4335



What is a zoning administrator? Aren't we not paying someone to do the infrastructure work and wouldn't the water bills be included in this? Why do we need a contract to go over our parking within towns. Mayor Schick said she had the information that can be used from the meters. But this information may/may not be correct due to some people may not use the meters. What I think is needed would b a part time police officer who does nothing but insures the parking pick is being adhered too. With the up-coming construction we will b loosing parking spaces, so we won't get the revenue. During bike fest I think it was totally outrageous that the t…

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