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Councilman Williams Update 12/18/24

Sewer Plant Updates, License Plate Reader, School Updates, Maritime Resort (RV Camping), New Police Department IT Server and Additional Holidays off for Town Employees were all on Wednesday’s Agenda. 


Mayor was absent - On Vacation was reason given (Vice Mayor conducted meeting).

Additions to the Agenda - Caryn Self Sullivan made a motion to add a discussion about employee holidays.


Council Member Reports

Schools – kids winter break from December 20 until Jan 6.

Public works – busy with maintenance and trash.

Planning Commission - highlights from their December meeting, including: presentation of Draft Resiliency plan where North Beach (near Virginia Ave) was added to priorities, top three items on the work plan, including FAR, parking and CIP, they went over the draft CIP for next year including presentations from the public works Director and police chief.

CB Redevelopment Housing Authority - an innovative builder reached out to them regarding developing their property, discussed ways to help veterans with housing.

Board of Zoning Appeals - There was an appeal by Heritage Homes regarding the trees that they cut down on 9th Street and the $1k fine per tree total $10K.  The builder stated that the ordinance says cut down or remove, and they claim they just prune them by topping off the trees.  Final vote was 5-0 upholding the fines. 

Town Manager Update

Sewer Plant Update – Plant operator stated that we are in compliance with all aspects except for the nitrates. The mixer motors are under repair and will help resolve the issue. I asked if we have water quality fines under control since we already had one for 2023 (payment plan) and 2024 (waived) and he stated that we are still in discussions with DEQ regarding 2025.


License Plate Reader, Flock Safety - these readers will be placed in strategic spots in town and securely store license plate data that will only be accessed for crime investigation purposes.  Data is deleted after 30 days. Concerns were raised over the security aspects, but we were reassured that the data is extremely secure, and it only captures the license plate and the back of the car.  Apparently, the town already approved this back in 2022 and we’re just now getting ready to use it, which is why it was presented to council.  No vote needed.

Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor - Absent


Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Addo, Superintendent - thanked outgoing council members, working to meet school standards, new no cell phone education policy starting January 7, legislative priorities, including advocating for small districts, teachers’ pay, recruitment and unfunded mandates. Mentioned capital improvements, including new front entrance by the end of next year.

Public comments: 

  •   Waste water treatment plant goal to avoid fines should be relooked at, license plate readers are very effective in other localities and may require additional resources, concerns over resilience plan timelines. Should get rid of liaisons and have commissioners report directly to council.

  • Comment on CIP improvements and asked for that and other items to be posted on the website.


PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 764, Amends Article 20 (Definitions) of the

Colonial Beach Zoning Ordinance to add and define the land-use term “Maritime Resort,” Darla Odom, Interim Director of Community Development/Zoning – HISTORY - This was presented as the town creating a definition for Maritime Resort (MR), but in reality, it is all about RV camping being allowed in Marinas.  In May through August the planning commission discussed the Zone definition.  Despite the maritime resort zone being in existence for years, not one, Marina has been zoned MR.  During the PC public comments there were two petitions with roughly 80 people opposed and 90 in favor of adding RVs, there were 19 emails with only six supporting RVs. (Including in person believe there were closer to 40 public comments with the vast majority being against) The Planning Commission in August had voted 5-2 to approve the definition allowing RV camping in maritime resort zone. 

Marina owners - Originally it was presented that all Marinas supported this new zone, but during the public hearing Wednesday, the owners of three marinas stated that they did not want to zone their marinas this way and that they didn’t care what Kyle Schick did but leave us out. Marina owners did state that they didn’t think it was a good idea.  A fourth Marina owner signed the petition against so at the minimum, half of our marinas have publicly opposed.

There were 22 hearing comments with only one fully supporting RV Camping (Below are the highlights)

  • if allowed there should be stipulations.

  • Boathouse Marina does not want RVs and raised concerns such as the Chesapeake Bay act, and this could be cracking the door to future issues.

  • Owner of two marinas and have no desire to be re-zoned from commercial and mentioned issues with roads, etc.

  • Listen to the citizens, council are the stewards of our town. Postpone the vote.

  • Trash Truck driver stated his concerns over narrow roads, etc. and not sure our infrastructure is capable of handling the extra traffic.

  • Resident with experience dealing with highway construction stated there are many concerns, including infrastructure, traffic length of stay, waste management, etc.

  • This appears to be a spot zoning, it’s in a flood plain which most coastal communities are no longer allowing RVs in a flood plain and we’re doing the opposite.

Town Clerk Read 14 emails

  • Concerns over roads and sidewalks, etc. I’m against.

  • Concerns over roads, parking and how does this benefit the town.

  • Vote no, listen to the people, the PC should not have approved.

  • Marinas are for boats, not RVs

  • Believe this will increase dangers, and wear and tear on our infrastructure.

  • Concerns over the additional traffic in the RVs were danger sighting recent accident with a truck and golf cart

  • Citizen said vote no.

  • Citizen opposed.

  • Citizen opposed.

  • RVs do not belong in town.

  • False advertisement as resort zone, vote what’s best for the town.

  • Definition flawed, concern over Chesapeake Bay act.

  • Opposed stating there are more pressing issues in town, including infrastructure.

Kyle Schick, the owner of the Yacht Club asked to speak last and he stated this gives Marinas a benefit, increases town revenues, gives Marinas needed ways to benefit the town, Yacht Club currently has four RV spaces and this is not a guarantee since RVs still require a CUP process.  

Council discussion Rick Wood made a motion to postpone the vote until our next meeting.  I supported postponing the vote and had been prepared to do this myself if no one else had. I brought up a few concerns, which were: that the planning commission minutes hadn’t even been approved from all their hearings, and a lot of other information was not available to the public. I also raised concerns that this was never discussed in a work session and was brought straight to a regular meeting.

I was very happy to see all the town residents show up, especially since it was just a week before Christmas. That made me proud as I’ve been advocating for citizen engagement specifically on this matter since May. The vote to postpone was 5-0 Self Sullivan abstained . I have no idea why Self Sullivan abstained but would be very interesting to know.

* I personally do not support RV camping in town and never have.  After seeing dozens of people speak against, I do not know how council members can vote for allowing RV camping in town.

Emergency Purchase of an I.T. Server for the Colonial Beach Police Department, Chief - after a brief overview and short discussion council voted 6-0 to allow the town manager to purchase a cloud base service 

Discussion of giving town employees 2 additional days off for the Christmas holiday - Caryn Self Sullivan during her last council meeting, decided to propose giving town employees two additional days for a total of four days off for Christmas. I personally was not happy about how this was slipped into the agenda and if it was such a great idea why was it not advertised to the public. Town staff already get the 24th and the 25th off and Caryn proposed that they get the 26th and the 27th as well. I stated that it seemed a bit excessive and that even federal employees only get one day off for Christmas. There was a bit of discussion, primarily focused around trash, and me raising concerns.  I felt the whole way this was presented was inappropriate and that I was put on the spot to be the Grinch with no other support to stop it.  I did add the caveat that the next council needs to take a look at what seems to be a trend of council being asked to approve additional days for each holiday (employees were also given days off in July and November).  Town employees already get annual leave, sick leave and a large number of paid holidays.  I believe that it was Caryn that stated this didn’t cost the town any money which I totally disagree with.  Vote was 6-0

Closed Meeting

Pursuant to VA Code § 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for the discussion on performance of specific public appointees of the Town Council

I'm glad to have the RV hearing over with and I'm ready to celebrate the holidays with my family and friends. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year -

Councilman David Williams

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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