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Councilman Williams Update 2/15/23

Parking fee changes, Property sale, Sign Ordinance, Trash and tap fees, Ordinance changes and other updates are in this weeks blog. Enjoy 😊

Tom Moncure was absent

Additions to the Agenda

Dump for sale (The town has put the old 22 acre dump up for sale near Monroe Bay (see public notice on towns website)

Minutes for January 19, 2022, February 2, 2022 and February 16, 2022 - I asked that my prior concern over condition of pier posts be added to 1/19/22 minutes. I thought that was relevant since we were told the under structure (pilings included) were good for 5 more years and a year later we are spending $60k to add 20 more pilings.

Budget Amendments & Appropriations - to accept $3,600 in risk management grant funds.

Council Member Updates

Public works – Town Pier pilings being replaced, should be complete by the end of the week. There’s a sinkhole on the end of Washington (deteriorated pipe). Rick as Elk member nominated public works employee Bill Tayor for citizen of the year.

Planning Commission - There is now an opening since Steve Ale resigned. Minor revisions to sub division ordinance, special meeting February 23 (citizens welcome).

Finance- Budget underway

Mayor - announced Free Small business workshop Noon Monday 2/20 at Los Hermanos Cantina. Congrats to Curtis Coleman for his retirement after 27 years.

Economic Development (see end of Blog for my Liaison report)

Town Manager Monthly Report- February

Central drainage update will now be able to award contract, pier repairs under way, storm water and resilience plan moving forward, final sign design in progress, 2023 budget in process, Planning Commission is having a strategic planning meeting in February and her 2022 Annual report is in the agenda packet.

Proclamation for 131st of the Town of Colonial Beach Incorporation - Mayor read

Colonial Beach Public Schools

School board appreciation, 23–24 calendar complete, budget delay due to state calculation requirement, school survey to parents showing programs and staff pay are high on the priority list.

Projects - high school, weight room complete, new weapons detection system, bleachers, press box, exterior painting, etc.

Head of planning and community development addressed public concerns over the PUD Planned Urban Development- the main question from the public was can an application be denied or are we required to accept? The answer was, we do have the authority to deny an application but it has to go against zoning or the comprehensive plan, i.e., valid reason. I asked about the requirement of studies and can we make the developer pay for them? The zoning person said he did not know but Allison, Self Sullivan and Mayor said yes the developer must pay and we can even ask for more. Residents have raised a concern over potentially thousands of houses going in when our schools can only handle another 100 students and our water and sewer capacity among other things could not handle it. The answer was we can deny if we do not have the capacity because it goes against a comprehensive plan. The Mayor said that we could negotiate capacity increases with the developer.

Public Comment

Citizen brought up the fact that trash service is not free and he did his homework and said the real cost was actually closer to $243K versus $312k so why not give the $163k back to the taxpayers.

Citizen brought up parking on Hawthorne and ask council to keep the businesses in mind as it doesn’t appear they were asked.

Citizen representing Downtown Colonial Beach requested that Council consider keeping Hawthorne free and add time limits as well as vouchers in business areas.

Water/Sewer TAP Connection Fees, Director of Public Works

We were told this would not be up for a vote, because town staff needed to do more research. Many concerns have been raised over actual costs vs increases just to keep up with our neighbors and the impacts on businesses.

Trash Toter & Service Enterprise Fund, Director of Public Works

This was also put on hold in order for staff to have more time to research. Many residents are not happy with this proposal. I personally believe we should just leave it alone. The Mayor and Ms. Self Sullivan raised concerns over the statement that trash service is currently free which I had already brought up in our last meeting (Not Free). Council did not initiate a study for a fee increase, a separate trash fund or mandatory toters so direction must have come from the town manager. The Mayor and Council can only direct Staff as a body (i.e. no individual powers).

Parking Update, Town Manager

There was a lengthy discussion on parking changes/increases. I raised the concern about how we weren’t following some of the recommendations of the $22K study we paid for and was told that each town is unique. I would hope that the contractor would have taken that into consideration. Residents and businesses have raised concerns over beach goers using the business area parking all day.

I made a motion to amend, parking time to 3 hours in business areas like Washington Avenue and the motion failed 3 to 3. Rick, Vickie and I voted yes and Robin Caryn and Kenny voted no

Everything the town staff proposed passed except 3-hour limit.


Beach Parking - increase from $2hr ($20 day) to $3hr ($25 a day)

Boat Trailer Parking – increase from $30 a day to $35 a day

Parking hours – change from charge 24/7 to Free from 8pm to 7am

Parking Pay Stations – 3 will be moved.

No Change

Street Parking – No change $2hr with $20max

with Hawthorn (2hr limit) with Taylor and N Irving still free.

Final Vote was 5-1 with me being the only NO vote

The reason I voted NO, was because I believe gouging our visitors on parking is not the way to grow our tax base. Let’s welcome one and all and encourage our visitors to spend money here vs penalizing them for wanting to come and spend time enjoying our town. High fees and parking tickets is not the way we show we are a “friendly attractive beach town”

PUBLIC HEARING, Ordinance No. 739, Amends Article 12, Signs of the Town of Colonial Beach Zoning Ordinance

This was primarily for fluttering flag signs to be added. I made a motion to restrict, “inflatable tall man”. The motion passes 5-1, Allison was the only No vote.

The final ordinance passed 6-0

PUBLIC HEARING, Ordinance No. 740, Repeals and Reserves Chapter 16 and Amends Chapters 18 & 19 of CB Town Code of Ordinances

Most changes had been discussed previously but I asked if we need to adjust fees associated with tying in to streets or sidewalks and we decided to table 19. Ch16 and Ch18 passed 6-0

Closed Meeting

Discussion of the performance of duties, and consideration of the disciplining, of specific appointees of the town council, including planning commission members.

Economic Development Liaison Report

They had a meeting this past Monday the PW Director, and TM were on the call to answer questions.

· Raised concerns over when the central drainage project would start and impact on business. They recommended a delay until September (Staff said that may not be possible)

· They had a list of 17 questions regarding tap fees, and some were answered, but we still need additional data relating to actual cost to the town, etc.

· They were told the vote for trash and tap fees would be put on hold.

· The previously provided input on the parking.

· Kelly Evko mentioned boat excursions and other businesses possibly coming soon.

· Tourism was discussed and potential for 3 VTC grants.

· They were given an update on planning, commission additions, and openings.

· The Rock fish tournament is not going to be held by the chamber this year, it will be under the yacht club.

· Chamber is looking for new members.

· They’re working on welcome packet for new business.

· Working to help match students with local summer jobs

· Utilities – asked if anyone from Council had brought up a block grant for the Main Street project

· They’ve already raised $6K for the community, heart and soul project and looking to get new people involved vs the same people who are involved in everything.

· They mentioned that the palm tree project would be run by the chamber this year.

Please email or call with questions or comments:


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