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Councilman Williams Update 2/21/24

WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) Updates, Volunteers Recognized, Presentation from Department of Historical Resources, Strategic Planning Update, and other Updates were all on the Agenda for Wednesday.

Councilmember Krista Brown was absent - She was also absent from our 2/7 work session so I will correct my prior blog to reflect this. 

Additions to closed session Agenda – Resignation of Town employee.

Approval of Minutes: July 19, 2023, August 2, 2023, January 17, 2024 and February 7, 2024 - Approved 6-0

Resolution #10-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, General Fund for Asset Forfeiture - $219.66 received and moved into police budget.  Approved 6-0

Resolution #11-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, General Fund for DCJS 599 Funds – Town budgets for annual Dept of Justice grant based on estimate and received $4,977 more than budgeted for a total grant of $101,085.00.  The additional funds were moved to budget.  Vote 6-0

Resolution #12-24, Amends and Appropriated Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, General Fund for Capital Projects – Council approved $150,000 in the CIP Budget for a Public Works storage building to protect expensive equipment from sitting in the elements (a need PW employees had brought to me while I was the PW liaison in 2022).  Vote to move the funds to the general budget 6-0

Council Member Announcements

Finance – Billing due dates announced.

Park and Rec – Preparing for events, coffee with a cop successful, T-Ball will be back at community center.

Planning Commission – Meeting was on 2/8, Committee appointments decided, discussed inclusionary housing (I mentioned how PC, Housing Authority and Economic Development Committee are all talking about Affordable/ Work Force housing which I find interesting), Subsidies and incentives were briefly discussed.  Someone on PC did say is this an incentive for builders?.  Article 13 Parking was talked about, along with tiny houses and Comp plan and CIP. 

CB Housing and Redevelopment Authority – Had a meeting on 2/16 where they discussed: their insurance, residency requirements to be on board, 1 year waiting period to apply for additional assistance, $13.8k fund in bank, funding options and new officers (including town employees).

Mayor – New business coming (Donut/ Pastry shop where old CB Games was), Mentioned business incentives for new or existing businesses, New website for Marinas. 


Town Manager Update

Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Update –

·        SCADA system replaced in January, Scum Pump station pumps replaced, Sludge pumps replaced, Hired new operator, replaced some lights, 2 effluent pumps ordered, 2 influent pumps ordered (2 more needed).

·        I asked about the $1.5M sludge tank cleaning and when tanks were last cleaned, answer was one tank cleaned around 4 years ago and no idea about the others.

·        I asked about the $5.7M DEQ/ ARPA funds and when/ where we’d be spending that money.  PW director said she thought it should be used on Inflow and Inundation issues.  Council didn’t seem so sure.  Nothing personal against the Director but she has no prior experience running a WWTP but she continues to brief council as the expert on where we should spend millions of dollars.  Smoke testing was brought up (this is where smoke is put in our sewer lines to see where leaks are) and I mentioned that when I was PW Liaison in 2022 Rob Murphy told me a smoke test was scheduled/ budgeted (it was never done). Who dropped the ball??  How does a project just stop when a director leaves?  He had a deputy and surely the Deputy and Town Manager were aware just as I was as Liaison (this is why I said we need to track our infrastructure history). 


Recognition of Volunteers for Town Sponsored Events & Activities, Sally Adams, Director of Parks and Recreation – A number of volunteers were recognized for there service during town events like the Holiday decorations, Beach Music Festival and Sip n Stroll.  A huge Thank YOU!!

CB Historic Resource Survey, Blake McDonald, Department of Historic Resources – We were given a presentation/ update on our historical designation.  The presentation covered: Historical Landmarks registry, Historical markers, tax credits, Benefits among other items.  Dodson used credits to help restore the old bank building.  I asked how much the credits might be and was told up to 30% of property value.

132nd Anniversary of Incorporation Proclamation, Mayor Schick

Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor – Matt Ingram (New Board of Supervisor) was introduced, Chandlers Millpond dam cost now $3.5M over budget, County will now have work sessions (last Monday of month at 5:30pm), attended River Boat fundraiser, Positive about new county administrator, setting up meeting with marina owners (possible tax incentives).

Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell, Superintendent – Budget season has begun (Senate and House released their budgets), Survey of community showed 9 priorities (top – Staff pay, programs, safety, wellness and professional learning)

Public Comment

Citizen – Event on Saturday - Osprey

Write-in – WWTP report: SCADA System (ensure maintenance contract), issues could approach $18M, town should seek county assistance, plant license renewal, transparency info should be on town site.

Strategic Planning Review, Natasha Tucker, Interim Town Manager – She gave some highlights from January’s meeting including:  WWTP needs, Funds moved to cover WWTP operating costs, CDA completion, space needs analysis, I&I, Parking, Park Plan, Heart and Soul, North Beach scoping phase (April will have update) and Dwight Ave extension funding questions.

Closed Meeting

Pursuant to VA Code § 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for discussion, consideration or interviews

for prospective candidates for employment; for assignment, appointment,

promotion, and/or performance and/or salaries of specific appointees


As noted earlier a discussion regarding employee resignation was added


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