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Councilman Williams Update 3/1/23

New water line on 1st Street, discussion of a new Town Hall, Ordinance updates, Adjusted Tap fees and the Trash Tax among other things were discussed at the work session. See my blog for my account of our latest town affairs.

Minutes - February 24, 2022 and April 6, 2022 I asked for a modification to reflect my “No“ vote to advertise for a tax increase.

Vote was 7-0

FY 22-23 Budget Amendments & Appropriations -

· Approval of water line upgrade on First Street $70k Vote 7-0

· Accept grant funds: $18k SRO School Resource Officer and $537 additional litter grant funds Vote 7-0

Council Member Reports

NGO – there were several updates, Schools – Budget process has begun, Planning Commission – They had a work session recently and are revising their strategic plan, CB Housing Authority report available, Finance – The budget season has begun so meeting will be held soon. (I’m hopeful this will be a more transparent process this year), Parks and Rec – Mainly events and pop ups mentioned.

Side note: We have an interim Parks and Rec Director (Ms. Adams), Mr. Duke is no longer the Director of CB Parks and Rec department. I wish him well in his new position with the town.

Recognition for 5 Years of Service - DARE Officer Wendell, Colonial Beach Police Dept.

Town Hall Space Needs Analysis, Creech & Associates - Presentation showing current town facilities, projected future needs and potential new Town hall sites. This company was hired to do a space needs assessment, something CB originally started almost 15 years ago. Including police, a new town center and to accommodate growth over 20+ years we will need roughly 25,000 sqft. The current town hall is an old elementary school and has many issues including, heat, plumbing and has insufficient awkwardly arranged space. Staff has suggested we need to include police facilities (currently located in Truist Bank building costing over $50k). I asked if we could consider keeping the current town center (22 Washington Ave, council meeting location) and they said that could be an option. I’m not sure rehabbing the current facility is a good option but Mr. Wood asked for that to be considered. Creech & Associates said the contract provides for 2 preliminary site plans and some on Council wanted to vote right away to have a 3-story site plan drawn up for the only option we currently have which is 315 Douglas, the current Town Hall location. Apparently 700 Colonial Ave is not a good option because of all the issues on that site. Some constituents have suggested it is not a good idea to include police with the rest of town hall. I made a motion to table a decision until the 3/15 meeting so citizens have time to give input and the motion passed vote 4-3. Kenny, Caryn and Vicki voted NO to table and wanted plans to start right away.

Public Comment

Prior to a citizen commenting on a sensitive matter, the town Attorney interjected with a warning that our bylaws do not give parameters on public comment and what could be considered defamation. It was mentioned that this is in regards to a current matter being discussed in closed session. After a discussion involving the citizen, Town Attorney and Mayor the Citizen - commented that she had concerns about the possible removal of a PC member without a hearing and concerns about a comment made to her regarding an employee.

Citizen – Glad the town has reduced proposed tap fees but still has concerns.

Review of Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic of the Town of Colonial Beach Code of Ordinances - This has been discussed multiple times, and will be voted on during the next council meeting.

DRAFT, Ordinance No. 742, Amends Chapter 19 Streets & Sidewalks of the Town of

Colonial Beach Code of Ordinances, Town Attorney - This too, has been discussed several times, and the only major change was to remove the prices of tying into sidewalks and driveways, etc (we follow a state fee schedule anyway).

A vote will be held at the next meeting.

DRAFT, Ordinance No. 743, Amends Chapter 12 Garbage and Trash of the Town of Colonial Beach Code of Ordinances, Director of Public Works - This has been discussed several times, and there have been minor changes to the proposed $120 yearly trash fee (tax). Wednesday was our first look at a proposed update to the Refuse Ordinance. Currently trash is paid out of the general fund. I personally do not support what I call a trash tax. I did ask if Council would be giving back the 163K we currently collect in taxes for trash. Dr. Self Sullivan said she did not believe it would be responsible to reduce taxes. To me this is not a reduction in taxes since the proposal is to collect another $312k in trash fees. Toters would be provided and if people have existing toters they can keep them and get a town logo stamped on them and replace at a later date. If people are against this, they need to speak up now, because I was the only member that stated they do not support this new tax. PW pay raises have been advertised as part of the reason for needing a separate trash tax but I personally think the two items should be addressed separately because all public works employees need raises and not just the trash crew.

There will be public hearing at the 6pm 3/15 council meeting.

DRAFT, Ordinance No. 744, Amends Chapter 21 Water and Sewer of the Town of Colonial Beach Code of Ordinance, Director of Public Works – Council has had multiple meetings discussing tap and availability fees and will hold a hearing at the next meeting. Proposal has changed to residential $13,500 and commercial $37,000. Tom and I raised concerns about the commercial fees deterring business but were told we have the ability to reduce to entice businesses.

PUBLIC HEARING, Ordinance No. 741, Disposition of Town Owned Property

Adjacent to 912 Bryant Ave, Town Attorney – This was to sell a small partial of property that adjoins 2 properties for $5k. Vote to sell was 7-0

On Call Engineering & GIS Services Discussion, Town Manager - council voted 7-0 to authorize the temporary hiring until the vacant position could be filled later.

Council took a 10 minute recess and Tom Moncure left which is why the last vote was 6 vs 7.

Playground Surface Alternative Replacement, Interim Director ofParks and Recreation Events and Director of Public Works- After the parks and recs master plan study, and hearing mention of the danger of our parks not having mulch, I suggested that we should address immediately. This proposal was to give Council options. The only good options were to use engineered wood fiber (EWF), or regular mulch and wood fiber ended up being cheaper, safer and better. It was stated that the Deputy Director of PW has been asking for playground mulch for 8 years which is unbelievable to me. Our children should be able to play safely in our parks. Council voted 6–0 to spend $14k to purchase EWF mulch and this price includes $11k Public Works wages to install.

Closed Meeting (last 3 items were added during the meeting)

1. Discussion of the performance of duties, and consideration of the disciplining, of specific appointees of the town council, including planning commission members.

2. Discussion about disposition of publicly held real estate located in Westmorland County sale of Town owned property,

3. Consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual litigation regarding Town of CB v Camp Westmoreland Court case

4. Discussion of a perspective business where no previous announcement has been made or the businesses interest of locating its facilities in the community. Discussion of investment of public funds where bargaining is involved and consultation with legal counsel regarding legal matters related there too.

Economic Development

· I need to clarify a statement I gave during my Liaison update. Per a prior conversation I had I was under the impression members of the public were allowed to attend EDC (Economic Development Committee) meetings so I told the public this during my update. I received an email from the EDC chair clarifying that meetings are not open to the public because the EDC works on behalf of the Chamber and not the public or council. If one day the Town of CB decides to create an Economic Development “Authority” the members would be appointed by Council and their meetings would be required to be public.

Please email or call with questions or comments:


1 Comment

Mar 13, 2023

I’m appalled that the Town Council would even CONSIDER a TRASH TAX FOR COLONIAL BEACH! What on earth are they thinking? We just had our taxes go up this past year, we that are retired and on fixed incomes can’t afford to continually worry about what the Town Council will propose next!!!! It’s ALWAYS SOMETHING IN THIS TOWN THAT WORRIES THE ELDERS! We have NEVER felt this way before!!!! We DO NOT NEED OUR TAXES RAISED. Please vote NO For this CRAZY IDEA!

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