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Councilman Williams Update 3/15/23

Trash tax passes, Town Hall Site Plan Approved, Dump Sold, Tap Fees more than Double and Planning Commission Member Voted Out. The meeting was a marathon, lasting until 12:30am!!

A Special Closed Meeting started at 5:30p

Started off with a discussion about the sale of the old town dump located in the county.

Authorization for Audit Services – Apparently our audit contract runs out in a couple weeks so we had to extend the existing contract a year vs putting it out for bid. Vote 7-0

Council Member Announcements

Public Works Central Drainage contract awarded, Town updates on social media, PW partner for soil test kits, Solar lights on golf cart path soon. Planning Commission – House sales still strong in CB, Parks and RecParks master plan findings meeting - Wed March 22 at 5:30pm at the Community center on 717 Marshal Ave. Public Safety – New officer graduating. Economic Development – Director of Community Development introduction, Chamber activities including brochures, Fire Escape American Grill opening soon, new small fishing charter and Town still not business friendly (also feedback below on new Town Hall.

Town Manager Update – Written report in agenda.

Town Hall Space Needs Analysis Update, Glave & Associates – Last meeting we were presented with new town hall stats and future needs based on projected growth. We were told no suitable options outside the location we currently own on 315 Douglas Ave are available. Some do not believe we have exhausted our options and suggested we should continue to look vs settling for the Douglas location. The Economic Development Committee asked me to bring there concerns to council which were: bad location, really want to see on Colonial Ave, feels rushed, cost (will there be tax increase), should solicit feedback from Down Town CB and other stakeholders, Parking concerns. I too had multiple concerns including: Site plan is not free even though part of contract so we need to be sure first, can we afford it, I compared to buying a house and need to see what you can afford before design (Mr. Wood called my analogy disingenuous but I’m not sure speaking like that is in accordance with our bylaws). I support improved facilities for our workers but we need a budget first and also should look at rehab vs what could be a $10M-$15M price tag. I was a bit shocked when 2 town employees came forward with claims that leadership i.e. the Town Manager, is making them work in what sounded like inhumane conditions. Other than a recent added line item on the CIP, council has not been asked to upgrade heat or air or anything else in the current building. Vote to move forward with a site plan on Douglas passed 6-1 with me being the only No vote.

*I voted no based on all the feedback I received about location, needing more feedback and budget.

Financial Update and Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Improvement Plan, Davenport & Associates – This presentation had a lot of info and I will ask that it be made public. Our overall financial condition seems good but as the saying goes, the devil is in the details so stay tuned. We have the ability to take on more debt we were told but that doesn’t mean we can afford it

Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett – Handicap tax relief, bridge out towards Monroe Bay Campground under repair with one lane currently, Issue at race track 1,000s in attendance, police chase and an injury, and DEQ putting an end to burning in the county.

CB Schools, Superintendent FY24 Budget Presentation – Dr. Mitchell was positive and proud of our schools. The $2.8M town share of the school budget has increased $87k to $155k which is much less than the nearly $500k increase last year. This includes a new assistant principal. Enrollment is down from 576 to 555 and roughly 150 students are from the county. Tom Moncure asked for our average class size and was told 20-23 students per teacher where some VA schools are up to 36. Tom suggested to me the previously budgeted trash funds may be needed to cover the new school administrator.

Public Comment

1) Town Employee - Terrible work conditions at CB Town Hall.

2) Supports town hall but not sure about numbers

3) Concerns over budget and spending and against trash fee

4) Town employee - Support Trash ordinance.

5) Town dump needs to be cleaned up so as not to pollute Bay.

6) Town Employee – $120 for trash is nothing (supports)

7) Town should not be in trash business.

Ordinance No. 742, Amends Chapter 19 Streets & Sidewalks of the Town of Colonial Beach Code of Ordinances, Town Attorney - This has been discussed several times, and the only major change was to remove the prices of tying into sidewalks and driveways, etc. (we follow a state fee schedule anyway). Vote 7-0

PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 743, Amends Chapter 12 Garbage and Trash of the Town CB Code of Ordinances, Director of Public Works This trash ordinance has caused the most public outrage that I've seen but some on Council did not flinch despite dozens of complaints and a public outcry.

The proposed $120 yearly trash fee (tax) and Toter mandate was extremely unpopular but this polished Refuse Ordinance squeaked by with the Mayor being the deciding vote. It was suggested we not read the 21 public testimonies and myself and others disagreed and voted to read the letters. A few did speak in support but they were primarily town employees. Citizens put up a good fight but in the end it just wasn’t enough. Final vote 4-3. Robin, Vicki, Karen and Rick for and Tom, Kenny and myself against. Below are some of the details:

· Every non-HOA household will now be forced to pay $30 every 3 months in their water bill.

· Businesses can opt in for $45 a quarter and get additional cans at $3.50 a month up to 6 total.

· HOA’s (town houses/ condos etc. can opt out provided they get commercial trash service.

· The $163k previously spent on trash will stay in the town coffers despite $312K in fees that will now be collected.

· Toters will be provided and if you already have one it will be stamped and used until worn out.

· Several violations on the ordinance are class 4 misdemeanors and can result in permanent criminal record (we’ve been told this has never happened).

· People needing assistance with trash toters can request help from town.

· Many are not confident in the towns ability to running this program and having to track thousands of trashcans (maybe 1-2 new employees)

· No opt out for residents, even if you do not use the service.

PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 744, Amends Chapter 21 Water and Sewer of the Town of Colonial Beach Code Director of Public Works – This was the tap fee (new builds only) increase we’ve discussed several times. Tom and I had concerns over the fee impact on new businesses. New total water/ sewer tap and availability for residential is $13,500 and commercial $41,250. Vote 7-0

PUBLIC HEARING Disposition of Publicly Held Real Property Referred “Old Town Dump”, Town Attorney - This was to sell the dump and Council voted to accept the highest bidder who wants to turn the land in to a wildlife sanctuary. Vote 7-0

Closed Meetings Tom and Vicki left before the closed session

a. discussion and consideration of the disposition of publicly-held real properties,

b. discussion of the performance of a specific appointee of the town council, the police chief.

c. Discussion of the performance, and consideration of the disciplining, of a specific appointee of the town council, a planning commission member.

· When we came out of the closed session the Mayor made a motion to remove a Planning Commission Member the vote was 3-1 with Caryn Self Sullivan abstaining and me voting NO. Allison, Wood and Schick vote YES

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