Greetings Colonial Beach Residents please see my blog for Wednesday’s Work Session details and Public Works liaison updates.
Approval of Minutes - I abstained because I was not on Council in August 2021, all others voted aye
Council Member Announcements - Schools: next school board meeting is 4/13/22 at 6pm, Public Safety: no news is good news, NGO: Several events in April. Public Works: See below, Parks and Rec: Meetings 1st Tuesday of each month, soccer and tennis pop ups and other events being held, Administration: CB games grand opening with diner 3/19, Ace Hardware’s official grand opening April 1st.
Town Manager Update - Budget for next fiscal year is in the works (for those that don’t know CBs fiscal year starts July 1st), decals are on sale now at town hall, grants in the works, job vacancy’s for: planning and zoning, HR, police officer and public works, Town is receiving a lot of interest in food truck spaces (town is actually creating what they are calling a food truck court at the bottom of town Hill), Federal legislation requests are in the works with North Beach erosion as priority but also apparently the town is keeping Monroe’s birthplace trail and excursion pier as top priorities as well but she is open to suggestions from town Council.
Mr. Moncure asked when the parking study would be completed and the answer was April 20th.
Public Works - Rob Murphy gave the follow updates: RFP storm water management plan submitted for review and will be advertised next Tuesday, Dewberry central drainage area Survey and CCTV completed and town has received the 50% drawings for review with possible changes and work is to start October, new water hook ups parcel ID vs address, Water utility study is underway and we expect results in 30 days (from what I hear, many residents are concerned that this will lead to higher water bills)
Mayor presented - Women’s History Month Proclamation and Proclamation, Osprey as town bird.
County Supervisor Tim Trivett said redistricting was voted on and district 5 (located in CB) now has 200+ more voters, Kyle Schick was voted to be on the Westmoreland Planning Commission for 4 more years.
School superintendent Dr. Mitchell - he said the school board building is now open, School Resource Officer grants for the coming year, he also discussed some improvements like lighting, sidewalks and other safety concerns.
Citizen Input - Concerns over Changes to Phase 2 of Dodson Development, Support of Osprey being town bird and Mr. Nelson said he has put on yet another hat as VP of Down Town Colonial Beach and apparently, they are partnering with the Town to hire an Economic Development Director (I’m assuming this will have to come before Council for a vote).
Update Designated Open Refreshment Area - additional information was provided regarding the open refreshment area, basically alcohol allowed on the streets and part of North Beach on specific event days by permit.
School Resource Officer Agreement between CBPS & CBPD, Chief Deaver is working with the School Superintendent on this project.
2022-2023 Strategic Action Work Plan - Town Manager gave a brief overview action plan which included projects and priorities. Items like bringing an urgent care or other medical facility to town are in this plan. I did ask why the Monroe’s birthplace path was still on the list because I thought it was scrapped and was told it’s still a wish list item and we could possibly get federal grant funding. I’m on the record as not being a supporter of this because many people feel this project is a waste of tax dollars and not even located in town. Caryn asked why was the North Park not included and after discussion it was decided to clarify this in the plan. Tom pointed out that any spending would still need to come before Council for a vote.
Status Update of FY 2023 Budget - Town Manager and Director of Finance, during this update it was mentioned that costs are going up on fuel, materials and other items so I asked how will we be paying for this, is there a pot of money available for these increases and I was told that is why we need to consider the new property assessments. My fear is that council will use this as an excuse to raise taxes versus being fiscally responsible.
Discussion of Floodplain Management - John Shaw, Interim Director of Planning & Zoning discussed the process to update flood insurance rates and maps (short turnaround)
Ordinance No. 722, Approves the Sale and Conveyance of Town Real Property, Town Attorney - This ordinance was for the final contract for phase 2 of Dodson Development (old Bank building, School Board building, Chamber of Commerce building)
I voted No because of concerns I raised because the final agreement is not what was originally presented to the public has changed significantly including no retail space and a significant amount of the space will be residential (my fear is this will be turned into AirBnBs). I was not part of the original deal but it is my understanding that the town sold this property at a significant discount (60% of its value) in exchange we were promised retail space i.e. a significant portion of these properties. Since the original agreement has not been met I believe we should re-negotiate the price to reflect significant changes or offer up to a developer that could add retail space.
The vote passed 6-1 with me voting No.
Closed Meeting
Consultation with legal counsel pertaining to pending litigation, where such consultation in open meeting would adversely the litigation posture of the public body, in the pending court cases in Westmoreland County Circuit Court.
Consultation with legal counsel pertaining to pending litigation and Discussion of personnel matters was added to agenda at the beginning of Council meeting.
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