Greetings Colonial Beach Residents please see my blog for Wednesday’s meeting details and Public Works liaison updates.
Public Safety - Chief Deaver gave a presentation on two programs underway in CB that will need funding to continue: 1) a policy sharing system to help PD stay compliant and up to date with state/federal laws as well as industry best practices and 2) computers for patrol cars. The cost of these programs is relatively low under $25k and I believe a step in the right direction to start investing in our police department.
Appointments - Will Nuckols was appointed to Planning Commission and Spencer Ligon was appointed to Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
Discussion Proclaiming the Osprey the Town Bird introduced by Mayor Schick. I asked if we already had a town bird and the answer was no 😁
LOVE Signage Update - Andrea Clement is advocating for NGO’s to create 8 more Love signs throughout town so CB can have the most in VA.
North Park Site Tour Update - India Adams-Jacobs, Town Manager gave an update on the tour council did of the path and vacant lot on the north end of town. Council agreed that safety for the golf cart path is a top priority and needs to be addressed first. The vacant lot on the corner of Azalea and Stafford seems to be the best option for a North Park playground, and staff will be bringing Council a proposal for path enhancements and Park options by April.
Article 29, Planned Unit Development Residential (PUD-R) District - Kenny Allison discussed how this ordinance is way out of date and will need to be reviewed to the Planning Commission.
Code of Ordinances - Tom Moncure has been reviewing our ordinances and concluded that we have many outdated ordinances and a thorough review is needed. Resolutions for items that are out dated would need to be repealed.
Food Truck & Vendor Program - I expressed my concerns with food trucks competing with brick and mortar businesses, this concern started when residents shared 2 FOIAs showing that food trucks are only paying the vendor fee which means that our tax payer dollars are being used to subsidize the food truck program. I did a presentation on the history and the current state of food trucks in CB (see my presentation slides). The current ordinance 703 does not distinguish food trucks/carts versus other vendors. After my presentation the Mayor opened up for Council to discuss the future of the program. With a new push for even more food carts to be allowed in town, up to 8 to 10 this year, I suggested council should update the ordinance specifically for food trucks/carts and consider rules such as; limiting number of over night stays (most towns less than 48 hours), season (ex May-Sep), number of trucks, hours of operation, locations and utilities. One concern I have is if the Town continues to pay for the food truck utilities and we have 10 food truck/ carts that could cost the Town in excess of $30k a year. We do not provide this benefit to other CB businesses.
Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) License -Town Manager and Grant Writer discussed the benefits of such a program. Restaurants would have logo cups that customers could take out in the designated outdoor areas. I’m not opposed to the idea but do have concerns of pedestrians crossing Washington Ave for drinking events. It was discussed to allow restaurant cups on the beach from the pier to Colonial Ave. The DORA days will be limited and this will have to go to public hearing.
Closed Meeting - Consultation with legal counsel for development and real estate agreement contract analysis; litigation for the pending court cases in Westmoreland County Circuit Court.
Dodson Development - After legal consultation Council voted to approve the phase 2 contract (Bank building, Chamber building and school board building).
Public Works update-
Robin grove shoreline is complete. The contractor has given a warranty on percentage of grass grown.
Castlewood Park upgrades - in the past I reported that the fence project will begin in the next month or two as reported by town officials. However every time that I enquirer I get a different story. Since the Details are still not clear, I’m still inquiring, especially about safety updates.
Town pier repairs - the end referred to as Tee Doc demo is complete and repairs are underway.
School Sidewalks - Town grant writer JC is looking into deadlines for VDOTS safer routes to school grant opportunities.
Please email or call with questions or comments: