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Councilman Williams Update 3/20/24

Waste Water Treatment plant updates (from contractor), Budget Process Updates, School Budget Presentation, Marina Way Name Designation (symbolic only), and Ordinance 757 Updated were all items on Wednesdays Agenda.


Additions to the Agenda 

·        Resignation of Council Appointee 

·        Discussion of Negotiations of the investment of public funds.


Approval of Minutes: February 26, 2024 and February 21, 2024 vote 7-0


During this time, I mentioned how in our Feb’s WWTP meeting we were told that over $2M of $5.7M DEQ funds had been spent.  I was tracking $0 spent so I asked the Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager to clarify. After a couple weeks the reply I received from the assistant town manager was that the money had not even been received yet, so none of the $5.7M has been spent.  Not sure why this was not known or not questioned by other council members but the citizens deserve 100% transparency on this money, and how it is spent, especially since we are being set up for rate increases.


Council Member Updates

Planning Commission- They are coordinating with the town on the CIP Capital Improvement Plan budget for FY25, Article 13 parking is being discussed, and 3/28 5:30p they are having Work Session to go over their work plan.

CB Housing Authority will now meet in public and had a meeting the day after our meeting at 4:30p

Schools - Budget (towns portion will be higher this year), Alumni Softball and School Musical this weekend at school March 22nd-24th 6p and Sun 2p

Public Safety- Fund raisers, neighborhood watch meeting 3/28 5.30p

Finance - new auto pay option available on Town’s website for taxes, golf cart decals now available through town or inspection sites.

Mayor - EDC working with VDOT to get 2 additional crosswalks on Washington Avenue, there’s an effort to get a trash clean up on 205, reminder that CB is a business hub zone.


Town Manager Update WWTP Third-Party Contractor Update - 

·        March 8th, we contracted with Inboden Environmental Services to operate our WWTP.  

·        She said they are doing a great job. Making significant progress already.

·        DEQ did a walk-through, and they were very pleased with their progress.

Inboden COO John Simmons gave an update -

·        The plant is actually good.

·        We have a really fixable problem.

·        He showed us some slides of improvements where water is already much clearer and things are functioning much better.

·        Working with PW Dept to make positive changes.

·        Mentioned how citizens can help by ensuring their water runoff was not draining into sewer system e.g. sub pumps not going into sewer (I asked how citizens would know and was told any water not intended for toilet/ sink etc. should not be running into sewer pipes.  Recommended people inspect or call a plumber to inspect).

·        I asked what are next steps and Inboden’s role on advising town. 

Answer: Time depends but he did say one of our biggest issues was buildup of solids i.e. tanks not being cleaned (estimated 1-1.5yrs many items will be resolved).  A lot of items already purchased.  Plant not currently as automated as it should be but these issues will get resolved and the plant will be able to perform most of those functions on its own. 

·        I also asked who is responsible if an emergency occurs e.g. spill who is responsible for cleanup.

Answer: PW but they will work together. 

·        Mayor asked about I&I and we were told OK for now but there is risk and Town should address high priority items. They have a plan to address high priority issues regarding I&I. 

·        Someone asked if alarms were working and we were told no but that is being worked on.

See presentation 25 minutes in


FY25 Budget Process Update –

·        All departments have provided their feedback.

·        Waiting on additional feedback from Berkley and Davenport. 

·        The Town and Council members have had meetings with the school.

·        Public Budget meeting scheduled for April 3rd 4pm.  Dept heads will be available to answer questions so if you have anything you think I should ask please email me

·        I have been pushing for more transparency and believe council discussing the budget in open meeting vs 2 at a time behind closed doors is a step in the right direction.

·        Public hearing is set for April 17th

·        In June Council will pass the budget and set the “tax rate”


Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell, Superintendent – FY25

·        We were given a summary of what projects were completed in 2024 (bleachers, press box, etc.)

·        School vision statement updated based on feedback (teacher pay and safety are highest).

·        ADM (Average Daily Membership) is up and projected at 565 total students

·        Overall budget $9.7M and State pays $6.2M of that.

·        Town’s share is projected to be $3.1M and last year it was $2.5M

*Side Note: this was not discussed in the meeting but apparently the town used a low estimate last year due to State budget not being available yet and underpaid by $100k so instead of adjusting last year we will have to come up with that money on top of the $600k increase. 

·        LCI Local Composite Index is driving factor for Town Share and that is up this year. 

·        Town is mandated to pay what state says so really no options except what School ask for in addition which this year is $84k for behavior specialist (School is dealing with behavior issues stemming from COVID years)

·        We were warned that all this depends on actual ADM and State budget.


World Autism Awareness Month Proclamation - Read by Mayor


Women’s History Month Proclamation - Read by Mayor


Public Comment - None


Marina Way Designation, Kelly Evko, Economic Development Manager – This was a collaborated request from all 8 CB Marinas to name the Bay Area where the marinas are located “Marnia Way”.  This naming is purely symbolic in nature with no real name changes to town roads, etc.  Designating the marina area as “Marina Way” will help promote the Marinas and open us up for grant funding and other opportunities.  The Marinas are covering the costs including signage. Council overall was very supportive and Mrs. Brown gave a long speech on why she was so excited about this opportunity Vote 7-0


PUBLIC INPUT Ordinance No. 757, Amends Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the

Town of Colonial Beach Code of Ordinances – This has been discussed several times and no public input was received.  We were told the goal is keeping people out of jail for minor things.  Proposed revision was changing penalties to class 3 if not stated in the code and keeps us consistent with the State. Vote 7-0


Closed Meeting

1.      Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the Town Council, and consultation with legal counsel regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by legal counsel retained by the Town Council.


2.      Resignation of Council Appointee (after the closed session Council voted to accept the resignation of Spencer Ligon from the Housing Authority)

3.      Discussion of Negotiations of the investment of public funds.


Please email or call with questions or comments:






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