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Councilman Williams Update 4/17/24

Additional Budget Discussions, Appointments to Parks and Rec, WWTP Updates, Parking Ordinance Updates, Dogs on The Beach and Other Items were on the Agenda for Wednesdays meeting.

a. FY25 Proposed Budget Presentation (Continued) - We went through the last 4 sections of the budget during this meeting:

1.      Town managers (TM) budget - There was a $75k increase over last year’s budget.  I asked if her budget included the Assistant TM position and was told yes (the prior TM used a combination of ARPA funds and other money to fund).  I asked for clarification on the $69k for reverse interns and she indicated that was in addition to the Assistant TM.  With a looming tax increase and current employees being underpaid, I’m not sure why we are spending so much on interns.  I asked if there were any concerns with the 45% decrease in TM contingency fund and she said it was one of the cuts she just needed to make to balance the budget.


2.      Town Council budget – This part of the budget went up by $38k and the 2 biggest increases were audio video $22k (I’ve been pushing to get this fixed since 2021) and books and subscriptions $13k which I was told was software for meetings and minutes and other enhancements. 


3.      Economic development – Only an $8k increase for this budget section (small compared to the rest) and Mrs. Evko even removed a $20k request for facade grant to help balance the budget.  Since the full-time grant writer JC left, I asked did the budget still include a grant writer and was told yes (people have told me they feel the grant gravy train has dried up but I guess that position is not something the mayor or TM are willing to give up. 


4.      Parks and Rec – This budget increased by nearly $75k.  The main increase here was adding an employee and rehiring a full-time employee since the last director resigned.  I asked why the $5k mulch expense was included under PnR since PW handled it previously and other council members acted like I didn’t understand the need for mulch.  I was the one that pushed for the last town manager to address the safety concern immediately after Berry and Dunn brought it to our attention.  Staff clarified mulch replenishment is now funded under PnR to ensure it gets done but PW will still be assisting in the labor part.


5.      Discussion after we finished the remaining sections – During our last meeting we were told part of the way the TM balanced her budget was by only funding some vacant positions for 6 months. Council agreed the HR manager should be funded right away vs next January and asked the TM to find the additional $12,500 needed by the VFD.  These 2 items increased the budget by $24k but the Economic Development budget decreased by $20k so all we needed was $4k.  Instead of discussing ways to make cuts my colleagues went right into discussing ways to raise taxes even more.  Even during an election year, it seems tax increases are palatable for many which is a bit shocking.  Things got a bit heated and when I brought up removing the $2k to the WWER radio station.  I mentioned that several Council members benefit directly from the radio station and I’ve had constituents object to the funding.  The Mayor gets very favorable interviews and promotions, Dr. Self-Sullivan is on the board of the station and they advertise continually for her and Mr. Wood is one of their station interviewers.  The Mayor suggested that that WWER offers equal access and I disagree.  The only time I have been contacted by the station was to interview for the 2022 campaign.  I declined because I did not believe I would get an unbiased interview and later was contacted by someone representing the station asking if I was sure I didn’t want to interview.  The person that called me happened to be Rick Woods campaign manager (imagine that she was working for the station).  I have nothing personal against the station and actually listen to it often but I do not agree with your tax dollars going to them.  In summary some council members directed staff to bring tax scenarios to find the extra money.  Ms. Self-Sullivan wanted to consider raising real estate tax again.  Robin and Rick did not seem to like that idea.  The previous proposal was 2% meals and lodging increase and $17 a quarter water and sewer increase.  The Mayor suggested we needed to go even higher on the meals and lodging which was 8% total vs the current 5%.  I did mention that our spending averages a 7.3% increase each year and all I got was well costs are going up and employees need more pay.  I have no problem paying employees well but adding new positions when we can’t afford what we have is not appropriate in my option.  To be fair our mandated school share went up by $576k and that along with the town deciding this was the year to increase all salaries is giving Council a reason to increase taxes.  I’d like to hear from the public on this. 

We will discuss more at our next meeting and the final vote will be at our June work session.


Consent Agenda – The following items were approved 7-0

a. Approval of Minutes: April 3, 2024 Work Session Minutes and January 12, 2024 Retreat

b. Resolution #16-24, Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission – James Jones and William Taylor were appointed.

c. Budget Amendments

o Resolution #17-24, Amends and Appropriates FY23-24 Budget, Sewer Fund - $153k of money from fees and other collections was moved to the sewer fund to cover added expenses.

o Resolution #18-24, Amends and Appropriates FY23-24 Budget, Water Fund - $23k of money from fees and other collections was moved to the water fund to cover added expenses.

d. Resolution #19-24, Authorizes Town Manager to suspend enforcement of Section 13.1-32 for a

one-day town-wide yard sale event – Tentative date is May 25th (no fee to participate and you can get on a map to advertise your sale).


Council Member Announcements

Public Works – Rick Wood announced that he did a tour of the WWTP for WWER Radio station that will air in May.

Planning Commission – The Draft CIP Capital Improvement Plan budget was presented by the TM.  They passed the parking ordinance and finalized items for their work plan.

CB Housing and Redevelopment Authority – Meeting moved to April 25th 4:30p at the Town Center

Schools – They approved their draft budget.

Public Safety – CBVFD is having a BBQ Fund raiser dinner April 27 12pm, Rescue Squad Partnership with County, Neighborhood watch meeting will be 4/25/24 5:30p at the Police Station.

Finance – Business licenses and STR permits are due May 1st.

Mayor – Community member losses, Osprey Festival and EMS thanks. 


Town Manager Update

a. Public Safety 1st Quarter Report – Several slides were presented with Police, Fire and Rescue numbers.

b. Finance 3rd Quarter Report – Revenues and Expenses are in target range.


c. WWTP Third-Party Contractor Update (Inboden Environmental Services) – Things are going really good at the Sewer Plant.  With all the rain in the last few months the contractor has been able to avoid spills but needed to modify processes (no significant quality compromises).  Caryn brought up the fact that I&I has not gone down significantly after the Central Drainage Area CDA project.  Interesting analogy since many have suggested the CDA project was not about I&I and was a favor for a developer.  I asked since the I&I seems significant still that if we could do the smoke testing that was never done 2 years ago.  This caused a larger discussion and council directed the TM to address immediately.  We have the money and Dewberry gave us the locations to test years ago but when the PW Director left apparently it was forgotten. 


10. Presentations

a. Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett – He mentioned the budget woes the County is having (I’m guessing this means yet another tax increase for us) He gave a long speech about the collaboration on the Rescue Squad and talked about how this has been in the works for 2 years and said he worked behind the scenes with the Mayor and others on this.  He mentioned the benefits of having 24/7 EMS in CB and how the volunteer rescue squad will still be a 501(c)3.  No longer required to maintain 85 hour a month requirement.  I asked how this would impact the new building and would it benefit and he said the squad would still be fund raising and be a big part of our EMS (more to come with a presentation next month).


b. Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell, Superintendent – The Board approved the draft budget, Students recognized, Students performed at the Osprey Festival and 21 students going to the NN Tech Center next year.


11. Public Comment – Congrats on open budget process, glad employees are getting raises.


a. PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 756, Zoning Text Amendment 23-08, Director of Community Planning & Development – This was to add/ subtract items from C1 zone.  Only proposed change is Mayor asked for small loan establishments be added.  This will be voted on at our next meeting.


a. PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 758, Amends Chapter 5, “Beaches, Waterways,

Boardwalk, Parks, Recreational Areas and Facilities” of the Town of Colonial Beach Code

of Ordinances, Powell Duggan, Town Attorney – Dr. Self-Sullivan asked if dogs could be allowed on the beach between 6am and 9am all summer (currently not allowed from April to Oct).  This was not discussed in prior meetings or presented to the public so did not seem appropriate.  Council was conflicted and had concerns about sign costs etc.  The biggest supporters were Caryn Self Sullivan and Krista Brown.  I do not like how this was not vetted with the public and people are already confused about what the rules are.  Caryn made a motion for the town attorney to add language to the ordinance for dogs to be allowed on the beach all year from 6a-9a.  Final vote 4-3 with Allison, Wood and me voting NO.

*Next the final draft will come to Council for a vote.  If you don’t like this or how it went down contact your council members to ask them to vote no.


Please email or call with questions or comments:





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