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Councilman Williams Update 4/19/23

$195k Trash Toter Purchase, Beach replenishment, Town Manager updates, Financial Report (including ARPA Funds), Short term rentals, New HVAC at Town Hall and Storm water Presentation, Emergency Pump Station Repair Request, were all on the agenda Wednesday.

Tom Moncure was absent.

Minutes for April 20, 2022 and July 20, 2022 Vote 6-0 to approve the minutes.

Authorization to use Erosion Funds for Beach Replenishment - This was to use the $75k set aside for Beach replenishment to start the process but also asked that the CIP include a line item for future needs. I believe $300k or more is needed just to address current needs. A citizen wrote in with expertise in this area saying we were not exactly going about this in the right way. In my opinion this needs more investigation. Vote was 6-0 to authorize the $75k to be used.

3rd Quarter Financial Report -

1st Quarter Public Safety Report -

Resolution # 18-23, Changing time of May 3, 2023 Work Session to 5:30 p.m.

Council Member Announcements

Public Works – First St water line project set to finish this week, Bike path solar lights still on back order, gazebos on Washington Ave Park and the Pier are going to be refurbished, Trash fee will be on Oct Utility bill,

NGO’s Wood holding a scam seminar, James Monroe Birth Place event Sat 4/22 9am

Economic Development – VTC Virginia Tourism Corporation holding two sessions and will brief out end of June, Main St conference report, VAGO Grant, Film office, Food truck status (Washington and Custard stand) questioned traffic study requirement, Chamber awards, Dodson Phase 3A later summer and no start date for 3B (next to beach shop), Vacant business issues, short term rental concerns.

Schools – Budget will be late from state (end June), Graduations May, cafeteria renovation.

Parks and Rec- Opening, Eleanor Park survey online ends 4/26. Adopt a park event 4/29

Admin – Several announcements, Rockfish Tournament 5/5-5/6

Town Manager Update Monthly Report April -

Finance Budget hearing May 3rd, Real Estate and personal property tax due June 5th. Several job openings, Employee of the month Bill Taylor Congrats!! Communication on website including studies and reports, Parks Rec – Eleanor Park Survey, Public Works - First St upgrade from 1” to 2” line, Central Drainage probably not to start until after Memorial Day, Playground mulch complete.

Quarterly Reports Overview Finance – $1.3M Revenue and $1.5M Expenses, the $387k Eleanor Park easement money has been recorded.

ARPA fund update (per my request) Not including the $5.7 DEQ money for I&I we received $3.7M in FY22 town spent $104K, FY23 $296k spent, FY24 $538k, Budget FY25-26 $134k for projects manager and $2.5M for Central Drainage project. Unencumbered BALANCE $181K. Poof it’s nearly gone!!

Public Safety Monthly Report – 1,800 calls for service, Highest destruction of property and then simple assaults, 138 Traffic stops, 7 arrests, 9 accidents.

Fire – 287 hours service and Rescue had 283 hours service (89-110 per month)

Short Term Rentals Ordinance – A committee is being formed to address the Airbnb issue in town. The committee members will be Don Dooley, Tree Mack, and 2 citizens with experience. I asked if meetings will be open to the public and the answer was yes. My concerns are will the interest of the businesses trump those of citizens that have real concerns about these “Businesses” being all over our neighborhoods with no real rules.


Resiliency & Storm water Management Plan Update, The Berkley Group – This plan development will include plenty of community outreach starting June 12th, identify priorities, upgrade suggestions, and may include fee suggestions.

Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell, Superintendent - Capital Improvement Plan CIP Approved, Redo of concession stand, painting, budget approved (delay from state)

Planning Commission Annual Report, PC Chair – This report is included in the agenda packet and identifies priorities and outlines what the PC is working on.

Colonial Beach Redevelopment and Housing Authority Annual Report – Report is included in the agenda packet

Public Comment

Citizen - Concerns on central drainage project impacts especially on parking.

Citizen – Resilience and Storm water plan and beach erosion plan concerns (are we doing this right?)

Authorization of Trash Toters Purchase, Director of Public Works – The $195K purchase of trash toter cans using ARPA funds had been discussed at our last meeting. I did not support this and along with other citizens, question whether it is even a valid use of ARPA funds. The “Trash Tax” was passed by Schick, Wood, Self-Sullivan and Roberson in March and we were told it would be a self-sufficient fund. This upfront ARPA request of $195k was not discussed then and in my opinion is just another example of how government uses the bait and switch method when selling projects to the community. Last year council agreed ARPA COVID money would be used for infrastructure and now they are spending on TRASH CANS??? Vote was 5-1 with me being the only no vote.

Authorization for Town Hall HVAC Replacement, Director of Public Works – The heating system issues were previously brought up and I was concerned about town employees claims that they were working in inhumane conditions. I agreed that the heating and cooling issues need to be addressed due to the aged boiler in town hall. I did ask the director if she got quotes and she said yes. I’d like to start seeing quotes presented to council along with such requests. I also would like to see more visibility on such solicitations to ensure our local contractors are given the opportunity to compete. The request was for $50k to add 5 mini split heat/ AC units. Vote was 6-0

Professional Services for Delinquent Tax Sales, Assistant Director of Finance – This was to request the use of a new company to collect delinquent real estate taxes. I believe it was primarily dealing with the sale of property if and when it gets to that point. The proposed company is the same one Westmoreland County uses. Vote 6-0

Emergency Pump Station Repair/ Replacement Request – Apparently the majority of our sewer pump stations are neglected and many need repair or replacement. All of our current back up pumps are currently in use (Bancroft has one in the middle of the road). The request was for $30k (3 X $10k) to start purchasing replacement pumps and there was discussion to add a regular replacement schedule to the CIP Capital Improvement Plan. We were told the average pump lasts 12 years and many of ours are 20+ years old. The mayor asked if this could come out of the Sewer Fund but we were told not enough funds were available in that fund and we would need to fund out of the CIP. Vote 6-0

Closed Meeting

Discussion of performance of specific public officials and appointees of Town Council, including the town manager, town attorney, and town clerk, consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, and consultation with legal counsel regarding the specific legal matters related thereto, respectively, and consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual litigation, where consultation in open meeting would adversely affect the Town’s litigating posture.

Please email or call with questions or comments:


1 Comment

Apr 26, 2023

Hi David!

I’m sending you pictures of a house that’s right behind my house. We have had nothing but problems with this homeowner NOT MAINTAINING the house, grass, etc. it’s a total eyesore!!!! The house has been gutted with all of the debri inside so it’s not inhabitable. What is the PROCESS for complaints about property NOT MAINTAINED? Thank you!

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