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Councilman Williams update 4/3/24

First FY2025 Budget Meeting (proposed increases on Water/Sewer and Meal & Lodging Tax), Pay Study Presented, $5.7M DEQ Grant Agreement Approved and 2 Other Ordinances discussed.


Amendments to the Agenda

Mayor requested the DEQ Grant agreement be added to the agenda.


Approval of Minutes for March 20, 2024 & March 6, 2024  

Vote 7-0


Council Member Reports

Public Works - Mr. Wood stated the treatment plant water quality is already much better and water main break was repaired.

Planning Commission - During their last work session, they discussed their work plan and what they would include: some examples are addressing the zoning map, zoning for Residential and commercial zones, administrative variances and inclusionary housing, i.e. affordable housing.

A local builder asked the commission to consider building incentives, development of narrow lots, increasing the far, and increasing accessory structure size limits.

Non-Profits - they have a new event coordinator, six ribbon-cuttings this spring, museum opens on the 13th, full main Street program by 2025.

Schools - working to finalize budget

Finance- business license and other due dates.

Mayor – Another builders meeting has been requested, 3 crosswalks to be placed on Washington and Colonial Avenue, Grant writer is leaving, but she appreciates the $800k in grants he got for us. (includes $460K from Eleanor Park Easement)


Presentation on Town Staff Pay Study - Berkeley Group 

·        CB Town Government pays its staff 27.5% below market rate.  

·        It would cost $98k to bring everyone up to standard.

·        I asked about # of CB employees vs other similar towns and was told we have 65 employees while a similar town has over 130.

·        Proposal to update pay bands and bring up to 90% of market rate.

·        The Town Manager had put the suggestion into her proposed budget.  


FY25 Proposed Budget Presentation, Town Manager & Director of Finance - Our first look at the Town Managers proposed budget.  Now the budget becomes Council’s budget as I’ve been told so we take the wheel.  The last town manager had budget meetings privately in her office so I’d like to think my push for transparency has helped bring this process out for public view.  Kudos to Council and the New Town Manager for helping to make this happen.  Here are some highlights:

1.      Proposed increase in the water/ sewer bill +$17 a quarter. (To help with the increased plant operating costs)

2.      Proposed 2% increase in meals, lodging and cottage tax which is currently 5%. (To offset spending, and salary increases).

3.      Town government spending is increasing an averaging of 7.3% a year over the last few years.  

4.      School required match is up $567k for total of $3.1M (State sets this amount based on # of students).

5.      We did not get through all departments but we went one at a time to hear what they were proposing and asked questions (Public works, Police, Planning/Zoning, Water/Sewer, Non-Profits, HR and finance were covered).

6.      Council seemed to agree that an HR manager was a priority (previously this position was covered by the assistant town manager).  

7.      Proposal for Vacant/ New positions to be put on hold for 6 months to help balance the budget.  I asked what happens next year and was told we will have to find the full year funds in that budget.  

8.      Town Manager said council did not seem interested in another real estate increase.

9.      46% of our Revenues come from real estate taxes.

10.   The Town CFO put in $2k for WWER Radio Station.  

11.   The Fire Chief for CBVFD spoke saying he was asking for a minimal increase of $12,500 due to significant fuel, utility and equipment costs. The town manager had budgeted a $0 increase.  After hearing the chief speak and more discussion, Council directed Town Manager and to find the extra funds.  

12.   The most significant increases seemed to be in Zoning (+over $150k, due to salaries and contracts).

13.   With the new contractor and additional DEQ testing requirements, costs have gone up significantly for WWTP.

14.   I asked why don’t we consider using the water meters as suggested in the $22k Utility Study and was told it is too late this year but could be part of the discussion for next year.        

15.   We stopped the budget discussion before getting through all departments because the mayor suggested it was getting late and we could pick up at the next meeting.


Public Comment

Someone that left early said to please pass along that the Osprey Festival would be Saturday the 13th 9a to 4p


DRAFT, Ordinance No. 756, Zoning Text Amendment 23-08, Director of Community Planning & Development (Public Hearing Set for 04.17.2024) - This ordinance addressed the commercial buy right uses of property versus conditional uses and has been discussed multiple times.

Vote to set public hearing 7–0


DRAFT, Ordinance No. 758, Amends Chapter 5, “Beaches, Waterways, Boardwalk,

Parks, Recreational Areas and Facilities” of the Town of Colonial Beach Code of

Ordinances, Powell Duggan, Town Attorney (Public Input Set for 04.17.2024) - The town Attorney introduced this as part of the ordinance updates started by a previous town attorney.  From what I can tell the changes are not major but I do suggest people take a look.


Addition to the agenda

Authorization for the town manager to enter a contract with DEQ for the $5.7 million grant funds awarded - Town Council was asked to approve a 29-page grant agreement between the town of CB and VADEQ.  This document was sent to council 4 minutes prior to the meeting so it’s safe to say not all council members read the agreement they were being asked to approve.  This would also authorize the town to reallocate over 2 million previously spent on the Central Drainage Area.  While, I do not necessarily disagree with freeing up these funds to put towards other Infrastructure needs e.g. WWTP, I cannot vote on an agreement that I have not even seen. Side-note I asked for a copy of this agreement a month prior and was told it didn’t even exist. Vote 6-1 with me being the only no vote.


Closed Meeting - No close meeting


I will be providing a copy of the draft budget and agreement documents on my website for citizens to view.


Please email or call with questions or comments:






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