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Councilman Williams Update 4/5/23

Hazard Mitigation Plan, New Budget Draft, Sunset Cove Deed, $195,000 Trash Toter Purchase, Short Term Rentals (Airbnb’s), New HVAC for Town Hall, Beach Replenishment, and Senior/ Disabled Discounts were all items discussed at Wednesdays Work Session.

Minutes: December 15, 2021 – I believe town staff has finally finished up the 2021 meeting minutes. Vote 7-0

Resolution # 16-22 Adoption of the Northern Neck Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan – This plan was developed by the Northern Neck Planning District Planning Commission in cooperation with State and Local governments. I asked if we are just passing this plan that includes 100’s of pages on a consent agenda with no real discussion and was told yes, we have no choice. I’m not an expert in this field but I sure hope the experts did their due diligence and the feedback from our locality was sufficient. We did get an email from a former PC member that was too late for the public comment but he shares some of my concerns and seemed to think there was not enough emphasis on coastal flooding among other things.

Resolution # 17-22 Adoption of the Planning Commission 2023 Work Plan – This plan included a number of items, Short-term rentals, Marijuana dispensaries, Zoning map update and Workforce housing to name a few. I asked about the dispensaries and was told that was just to investigate depending on future laws in VA.

Council Member Reports – There were several updates including central drainage project, PC work plan, Safety meeting with Westmoreland, Housing authority opening, economic development feedback, park plan progress and many NGO updates/ events.

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Presentation, Town Manager, Director of Finance/CFO -

This was the public’s first look at the next fiscal year budget (2024) which starts on July 1. Some key take aways were: No tax increase has been proposed, 2 unfilled police officer positions are not being filled, our expenses grew twice as fast as our revenues for 2019-2022, the school match was determined to be less than originally calculated, legal fees are way up, employee health insurance premiums were reduced, and operating costs continue to rise. Despite last year’s significant tax increase and a new trash fee, we were told it was very difficult for staff to balance the new budget. I asked for a report on ARPA funds since we seem to be burning through them with little visibility. Caryn asked if the budget would be posted on line was told yes. I asked where it would be posted so citizens can review prior to public hearing on 4/19 and was told under finance and presentations. Vote to hold hearing was 7-0

Public Comment

Citizen – Osprey Festival 4/15/23 excited about all the events, 50 exhibits/ vendors.

Citizen – Senior/ Disabled program suggestions, no mention trash fund money in budget/ ARPA Funds.

Citizen – EDC comments regarding Short-term rentals, Central drainage.

Citizen – Short tern rentals, agrees with regulations and support registration fee.

Citizen – Supports Trash fund but has concerts about space with condos.

Citizen – New town hall concerns with possible $15M cost.

Approval of Deed for Sunset Cove, Town Attorney - This was to approve the deed for the development on the north end of Monroe Bay. Vote 7-0

ARPA Fund Transfer for Initial Trash Toter Purchase, Director of Public Works - This proposal was to spend $195k in ARPA (COVID) funds to buy the trash Toters after passage of the trash Tax. We were not originally told where the Toter money would come from but we were under the impression that the trash tax would cover it. It was suggested the funds would be paid back but I am not confident that will happen and did not support the trash tax to begin with. A vote will be held at the next meeting.

Short Term Rentals Update, Director of Community Development – We were given a short presentation regarding potential regulation and registration of short-term rentals. Council asked the Planning Commission to address this 2 years ago and all we have so far is a definition and requirement to pay a business license tax. We may have more than 200 Short-Term rentals in town (No one knows) but only 25 business licenses have been issued. I’m definitely for making the town more business friendly but that includes treating all businesses equally and short-term rentals are businesses but are not treated as such. They can pop up anywhere with no regulation and they do impact our communities. Some home owners in town are surrounded by Short-Term rentals, turning neighborhoods into business districts. The town wants to model its program after Essex County so if you have concerns you should review the agenda to see what is being proposed. I asked if we know who is paying lodging tax and was told Airbnb for example just sends one check for all so no way to determine who is actually paying. I agree the EDC should be allowed to provide feedback but suggested regular citizens should be given a seat at the table as well. More to come on this topic.

Town Hall HVAC System Installation, Director of Public Works - In the last meeting some town employees mentioned the poor working conditions they have to work in. It appears the town manager is taking their complaints seriously as she is now addressing the failing heat and AC. We were told spending $50k on mini split units are the only good option. The mayor asked the PW Director if she would look into a different unit option. The vote will be at the next meeting.

State of the Beach Report and Request for Funding, Director of Public Works - We were told our beaches are seriously eroding and need something like $300k in sand replacement and jetty expansion. The jetties are the rocks placed out in the water to stop waves from crashing on the beach and the Director said a 3’ height increase may be needed. We have $75K in a erosion fund but we will obviously need to find additional funds. The weed/ grass on the south beach is not native but there is no way to get rid of it so it needs to be controlled.

Senior and Disabled Discount Program Review, Town Clerk - There was a presentation regarding the need to adjust income/ asset limits for water/sewer discounts since it has not been adjusted in years. It seems the solution would be to tie the limits to state poverty levels that are adjusted on a regular basis. Mr. Wood suggested that we expand the program to include additional groups but that will need additional analysis.

Closed Meeting

· Discussion and consideration of the disposition of publicly-held real properties, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the town council, and consultation with legal counsel regarding the specific legal matters related thereto, respectively.

· Individuals in personal matters not related to public business.

· Legal advice: rescue squad.

· Town of Colonial Beach v. Camp, Westmoreland County Circuit Court.

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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