Budget and CIP Approved, Town Manager Updates, Project Updates and Planning Commission Members added were all part of Wednesdays meeting.
Minutes for Approval- May 3, 2023; September 21, 2022 September 27, 2022 Vote 7-0
Budget Amendments - Resolution #21-23 (Byrne Justice Assistance Grant) and Resolution #22-23 (SRO Grant). Vote 7-0 to accept these grants
Council Member Announcements
NGOs – Eagles fund raisers and other updates.
Economic Development – The Economic Development Committee (EDC) met on 5/8 and discussed concerns over the construction coming, the proposed food truck court and town wanting to charge $30k for water hook up, Subdivision ordinance changes, $10k Community Heart and Soul grant and changes they’d like to see with the Chamber of Commerce.
Schools – RCT Graduation and CBHS Graduation.
Planning Commission – PC selection process complete, Short Term Rental Committee 6 members 2 PC members, 2 EDC members and 2 members of the public. (Next meeting is on 5/25/26 4:30pm COBE Work Space 100 Hawthorn Ave and is open to the public)
Parks Rec – Three Eleanor Park design options were presented Monday, Events including town wide yard sale was announced.
Admin – Mayor will be recording a radio show called ask the mayor, Veteran Banners will be hung on Boardwalk, Memorial Day Event 11am at the Cannon, and Clean the Bay Day coming.
Town Manager Update – Took the time to recognize town staff,
1st Street Address Update – Apparently when Council chose to update the Commercial Residential Zoning a couple years ago, they did not realize 5 mini homes would be placed on 2 lots on 1st so now businesses and residents will have to change their addresses (no other good option is being offered)
Zoning Enforcement Update – Short staffed so temporarily only open to public M-W-F, Online form to file zoning compliance complaints https://www.colonialbeachva.gov/formcenter/community-development-and-zoning-11/online-submittable-community-enhancement-67 (citizens can remain anonymous if they want to)
Central Drainage update (1000’s of feet of water and sewer line will be replaced during this project, working in phases starting with Hawthorn Ave and finishing at Colonial Ave. This will increase water pressure and relieve sewer leaking problems. This $2.5M project will start June 1st and last 9 months. PWs met with affected business owners this week and were told roads would be open nights and weekends during the process.
Referrals to the Planning Commission –2 new members were referred from the PC and council was asked to vote. Bill Hutchins and Pat Kuhrtz were the recommended by the PC. I’m hopeful that rubber stamps are no longer being handed out to new members. Yes, I’m joking but I realize it can be very difficult to go against the people in control, especially on big issues. Vote to approve 7-0
Recognition of Appreciation, Officer Barrow, CBPD – A lady’s car went into the river by Wilkerson’s. Officer Borrow was the first on the scene and bravely went into the water to assist and helped save her life. Good work sir!
Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett – He mentioned Comrel, thanked the town for holding a business meeting to communicate Central Drainage updates and he said the County budget was passed but it’s not available online.
Public Comment –
Citizen – Had incident in neighborhood on 3/25 and is not happy with how the PD has responded and lack of follow up.
Resolution #19-23, Adoption and Appropriation of Fiscal Year 2024
Budget and Adoption and Appropriation of Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Colonial
Beach School Board
This was to vote on the next fiscal year budget that starts July 1st. I have posted several comments on the budget and asked a lot of questions. A citizen recently said to me council has fiduciary responsibility for the towns budget and should be more involved in the budget process. I personally do not feel this budget helps move the town in the right direction which is why I did not support it. Some of my colleagues do not agree but our republic allows for such civil disagreement. For the 2 years in a row Town Council has balanced the towns budget on a tax and or fee increase. This year nearly $300k in new trash fees was used to balance the budget. Final vote was 6-1 with me being the only NO vote.
Resolution #20-23, Adoption of FY 24-28 Capital Improvement Plan – This plan is for capital expenditures throughout town and is revised and voted on each year. I agree with many of the items in this plan including infrastructure and equipment needs so I voted for the plan. My concern is how are we going to pay for this stuff and I challenged the town manager and staff to make that part a priority. Final vote was 7-0
Closed Meeting
The discussion and consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, and disposition of publicly-held real properties (Including former town dump, and Madison Street right-of-way), where discussion in an open and consultation with legal counsel.
Please email or call with questions or comments: