Greetings CB residents, see my blog for an overview from Wednesday’s work session. Another Marathon meeting going until 10:30 PM
Council Member updates - I announced that I would finally be getting my public works employee meeting and I also clarified untruths that were said about me on social media by a colleague.
Proclamations Mayor - Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month and Juneteenth
Utility Rate Study, Raftless - we were presented with the findings of a water and sewer rate study. We were advised that the current rates are adequate but with a couple recommended changes; two options were presented 1) set rate the same as the current commercial prices in CB with a 15,000-gallon cap per quarter and charge per gallons used after the 15k rates go down the more that's used and option 2) similar to option one accept the price per gallon over 15k stays constant vs gradually being reduced. I asked if we switch to this method will the cost of implementing the new billing system increase significantly and the answer was no because the meters are read electronically and we already send quarterly bills. In a nutshell not much will change for the majority of residents but if you use a lot of water your bill could go up some. My question is why did we need to pay somebody big money to tell us something this obvious.
Police Needs Update - Bike/Golf Cart Path Safety Update, Chief and Public Works- we were presented with several lighting and path repair options. The price tag is significant at between $150k to $250k so the recommendation was to hold off on any decisions until we see if we get the linear Park grant.
Parking Study Implementation Discussion Town Manager - there was a lengthy discussion on parking as usual but essentially staff was just looking for a couple of minor recommendations. The decision from Council was: 1) Remove green and red paint from curbs so now we will only have yellow (unloading/ no parking), Blue (handicap parking) and unpainted (parking allowed), 2) pilot golf cart parking in north and south beachs and 3) create two parking zones versus the current six. The two zones would be beach and business.
Adopt a Park, Parks and Recreation - we were presented with a formal plan to allow non-profits in town to volunteer in our local parks. The two questions I asked, are there any liability issues, answer was no because they would be covered under towns insurance 2nd question was how would this be coordinated with public works and the answer was, this is something that needs to be worked out. The vote was 7–0 to proceed with a formal process.
Resolution #24-22, Approves Small Purchase Procedures Policy, Town Attorney- We were presented with Virginia purchase guidance so we can be in compliance with those guidelines. The main discussion was how do we want to set limits/ procedures for Town purchases. This will be discussed more in the future but it appears our current limits are outdated causing unnecessary red tape.
Resolution #25-22, Authorizes Town Manager to enter Contract Negotiations for Town Hall Needs Analysis - This analysis is to determine the future of our town facilities offices that have many issues. The main reason I voted to proceed was because we are leasing the police office for $46K a year and the current town office is in bad shape. At some point the CIP funds will run dry so we will need to reduce spending on such studies and start relying more on cheaper alternatives. Vote was 7-0
Resolution #26-22, Authorizes Town to Apply for COPS Grant - The Chief and Grant Writer presented a grant opportunity to add an additional officer. The 4-year grant would cover 75% of the salary for the first three years and 25% for the last year. The concern raised by Mr. Moncure was where is this money coming from since we just passed a budget and staff is already asking for additional funds. The answer was we do not have the money in the budget. I asked how much staff time is involved in applying for this grant and do we have to accept if awarded and the answer was about 40 hours and no, we do not have to accept the grant. Given the answer I said I will support the application since 15 hours of staff time has already been used to research and I asked the town manager to see if she can find funds in the budget before we except the grant if it is awarded. The vote was 7-0 to proceed with the application.
Discussion on beach rules- this was added to the agenda to discuss weekend parking/ beach issues. The take away was we need better signage (on the way). I asked the Chief how much manpower it would take to actually enforce all our rules and the answer was we would need a significant increase.
Closed Meeting - Discussion regarding HR and 2 easements in town. Once done with and close session voted to approve the Town Manager’s amended contract.
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