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Councilman Williams Update 6/15/22

Along with my update I would like to clarify a misrepresentation of one of my recent blogs.

Despite attempts to distort the truth, I stand behind my decision to vote NO for the Tax increase and associated budget. While I am not required to explain my votes, I do this in order to better serve the public. Accusations that I put out false information is simply not true. I will provide a couple of examples and then continue on with my service to the Residents of Colonial Beach.


1. The police budget as I previously stated “did” increase by over $450k from the 2021 budget to 2023.

2. The amount we “paid” the school was just over $2.5M in 2018 (that did include Capital improvement funds) and $2.6M in 2023 which was a 4% difference. COVID reduced the school share over the last couple years so it is not fair to use FY22 numbers to say there was a nearly $500k increase.

3. I did not say taking away free electricity for food trucks would fully pay for a 5% Public Works raise but I did say it would “help”.

Resolution # 28-22, Amends & Appropriates FY 21-22 Budget, General Fund - An extra $51,000 in parking revenue was found but apparently, we did not budget for our $22k parking study or town overtime. Found money is now spent! Vote 7-0

Town Manager Monthly Update - real estate tax bills due June 5th, $30k grant received for signage, several public works job positions open including Director of public works and wastewater plant operator field trainee and a police officer.

Beach survey, central drainage and resilience are also underway.

Signage-Wayfinding & Gateway

Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certification

Colonial Beach Public Schools, Superintendent - apparently the towns local match to the school has gone down by $83k which I believe will go back to the town ‘s budget. (Perhaps these funds could be used for public works raises). Dr. Mitchell also mentioned a large number of capital projects that the school is currently undertaking such as parking lot pavement, bleachers replacement and additional children’s playground.

Bird-Electric Bikes & Scooters Update - Town staff has decided to postpone this pilot until next year at the earliest. From the feedback I was getting from residents, many did not think scooters were a good fit for our town.

Resolution #25-22, Approves Small Purchase Procedures Policy, Town Attorney - Our current small purchase policy is from 2010 and well overdue for an update. My hope is this will allow for flexibility (i.e., reduce red tape) without giving up the needed oversight. This will also put us in compliance with state requirements. Vote was 7-0

Resolution #29-22, Authorizes Municipal Government to Apply for U.S. Department of Justice Funding to Enable the Police Department to Hire Civilian Accreditation Lead -This grant has no match and I had no real concerns in voting yes with the rest of council. I supported getting our accreditation back during the police chief interviews and still think it’s important.

Public Works and other updates:

I had my first meeting with the Public Works Employees on June 3rd and the conversation was very beneficial. I explained to all the employees that I had been very interested in meeting with them and that I was glad I finally was allowed the opportunity. We did introductions, each employee said which department they worked in and they let me know some of the needs and challenges they have. I heard that training, wages, recruiting and red tape were all things they would like to see addressed. Many of you may not be aware but often employees help out other PW departments to ensure all work is covered. I personally see our hardworking PW employees out working all hours in less-than-ideal weather ensuring that our town continues to run smoothly. I plan to spend time with various departments in the coming weeks and hope to help in any way I can as their liaison.

Town Hill Update - The gravel piles have been used as controlled backfill for the electrical trenches and to freshen up the roads going into Town Hill. All is looking good for this weekends car show. Thanks for making quick work of this project Public Works.

Please email or call with questions or comments:


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ANTHONY Scisciani
ANTHONY Scisciani
2022년 6월 18일

#2 is a very serious play on numbers. Who, by name was the creator of this scenario? And what did you mean about "allowed" to meet with the PW?

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