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Councilman Williams Update 7/17/24

Quarterly Reports, Sewer Plant Updates, Public Works Director and HR Manager Hired, North Beach and Parks Update, Bylaws Updated, Engineering Firm Contract and other items were all on Wednesday’s Agenda.

Minutes - June 20, 2024, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes. 7-0 Approved

Council Member Liaison and Commission Reports 

Public Works – Wood said the DEQ consent order was a positive for the town (not sure I agree).  He also mentioned that the town has employed Dan Armstrong to do our GIS mapping and the project is complete.  Next phase is meetings with town departments.

Planning Commission – Meeting was canceled so RVs in marinas was postponed to August 8th 5:30pm at 22 Washington Ave.

BZA Board of Zoning Appeals – Rejected a deck variance and 2 requests to build on tiny 2500 sqft lots (on 9th St).  Builder stated he will build 10’ wide houses if not approved so more to come.

CB Redevelopment Housing Authority – Meeting was 7/11 and they discussed a roof project, $14k funds in bank, workforce housing and efforts to develop the lot they own on 205.

Non-Governmental – Fireworks were great, WWER Radio thanked town for $2K donation (thanks taxpayers), attended COMREL.

School – The School Board meeting the day after council meeting, superintendent took another job.

Public Safety - CBPD upcoming coffee with a cop, and Oak Grove VFD fund raiser.

Finance – Water bills were due 7/1

Mayor – There’s a BZA Board of Zoning Appeals opening (I urge honest, independent people to apply).  There’s a Torrey Smith Park event in July.

Town Manager Update 

Public Safety Quarterly Report – Chief presented the report and showed an org chart of PD with one vacancy.  PD had 3,146 calls last quarter 140 reports and 76 arrests (highest was DUI and simple assault).  VFD 127 calls, 42 fire, 10 motor vehicle and 19 public service.  VRS (rescue) had 37 calls with 19 transports at avg call time 4 minutes. Quarter was slow due to county transition.  Chief stated things can get tight with staffing due to special events, holidays but overall things are under control.   


Finance Q4 report – Our year-to-date revenues are currently showing $10.4M and expenses $9.4M which lead to multiple questions from the public due to the $1M left over.  Thank you public for keeping a watchful eye on your tax dollars 😊.  I asked about the $1M and was told we are still receiving invoices for work performed.  I said don’t we have those costs accrued and CFO said some yes but it’s not reflected in our report.  Some citizens feel it’s a bit strange that we don’t know exactly what will be left over this year but the Mayor reassured us there will be a full account in the coming months.  One citizen comment was that we picked at a few thousand here and there to cut spending and why are we not using the same diligence to look at the actuals and perhaps cut taxes.

ARPA/ Covid Funds – Most of the $3.8M has been spent but we are reimbursing ourselves $2M+ from the central drainage area project so this fund will be replenished.  My goal is to ensure the remaining $3.7M DEQ money and this $2M ARPA is spent on critical infrastructure projects and not wasted on more trash cans. 

WWTP Third-Party Contractor Update - Inboden said the plant is running good but we need to get the remaining solids gone eventually to have a smoother operation.  Some equipment failures including the new SCADA system but no spills associated.  Rain events are still an issue and I asked when we would be addressing the I&I sewer pipe projects and was told testing would be complete by March of 2025 and most of the work should be completed before the DEQ funds expire in Dec 2026.  I asked about the Moonshot report and if they are still helping and was told not sure and their help is limited because we can afford to pay someone.  It sounded to me like the decision to hire a 3rd party contractor reduced our ability to get free help.   

Mid-Year Update 

·        We now have a HR manager (Susan Richardson)

·        Public Works Director Hired – The town hired the interim PW director Chris Ruchty as the permanent director.

·        The gateway signage council (not me) voted to spend $40k on is waiting final approval from VDOT.

·        The $225k Pirate Park on the North side of town is starting soon. 

·        Eleanor Park bids have come in and will be awarded.  This is for bench foundations and a path.

·        North Beach Project - According to the GIS mapper we do not own the beach from American Legion to Lincon Ave.  We were told there was some sort of easement agreement signed in 1909 and it expired in 1929.  Now the Corp Of Engineers will not accept the project to repair that beach unless it’s public property.  It was decided that the town should hold a neighborhood meeting with the property owners to get their feedback.  I have not seen evidence of ownership but do know if something isn’t done those properties may be at risk and we may no longer have the ability to use that as part of our boardwalk/ beach. 



5 Years of Service Recognition, Inesha Thompson and David Knapp   - Congrats!

Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett, District V Supervisor – The dump was the big topic but no real answers at this point.  I asked if the town could possibly be made to pay tipping (dumping) fees and he said he has no idea but it’s possible.  Woody stepped down as Chair and Fisher and Trivett are now chair and vice chair.  The investigation is on hold until more information is available.  All is going well with the rescue squad.  The Emergency Management is now under EMS. County National night out is August 8th.

Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell, Superintendent – He leaves CB July 31st, and chronic absenteeism has significantly improved. 

Public Comment 

Citizen – Fireworks were a madhouse and town should consider stopping. 

Citizen – PD should report parking violations separately, $1M concerns over why it’s left considering the fight over small amounts, Public Works Director should have qualifications not inhouse hire and why is DEQ consent order not on towns website.

Citizen – Friendly Reminder it is against VA State law to mess with campaign signs and it can be investigated by State police.

Resolution #26-24, Amends Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Adopted on January 3, 2024, Powell Duggan, Town Attorney - Mainly just to adjust VA code regarding virtual meetings. Approved 7-0

RFP 2025-001 Engineering Services, Natasha Tucker, Town Manager  - This is to allow the town manager to negotiate a fee contract for an engineering firm to streamline infrastructure and other projects.  She will still need council approval to spend money and we are not required to always use the firm chosen (Bowman). Approved 7-0

Closed Meeting -   To enter into a closed meeting pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3711 (A)(8) for consultation with legal counsel regarding specific matters requiring legal advice by counsel, including analysis of agreements. (no votes or action taken)

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