Please see my blog for details on Wednesday’s meeting and Public Works Update.
Approval of Minutes, September 22, 2021, October 6 & 20, 2021 - I abstained because I was not yet on council in October 2021.
Resolution # 32-22, Amends & Appropriates FY Budget - this was to accept forfeiture funds for the police department. Vote was 7-0
Council Member Updates- Moncure announced that we were getting sports betting at the River Boat. See below for my Public Works liaison update.
Town Manager Update
We did not get the linear Park grant. (Time to find another way to get that Golf cart path fixed!!)
She also gave infrastructure and finance update. The North Beach erosion project funding is looking very promising and we should hear in a couple months if the project is accepted.
Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors - The new high school had its ribbon cutting, the county received a $463k grant funding for EMS training and New personal property tax rates were set.
Colonial Beach Public Schools, Superintendent - Dr. Mitchell introduced the new high school principal who has actually lived in Colonial Beach for eight years and has children in elementary school. He also discussed some of the current school projects including crosswalks and new parking and explained that the new traffic pattern is going pretty well despite some complaints.
Update on Downtown/Colonial Ave Water/Sewer Upgrades, Dewberry - We were given a very thorough presentation of the central drainage project that is set to start early next year. The projected cost has increased significantly by over $900k due to supply cost and additional paving. I asked what the overall cost has increased to and was told $1.8 million. This project should start around January and will encompass water and sewer line replacement throughout the area between boundary, Washington and Colonial Avenue and should take approximately eight months.
Update on Sunset Cove, Dan Armstrong - The lots located on north end of Monroe Bay will be completed in September and ready for a builder or individuals to purchase. The lot sizes range from around 6000 sqft up to 16000 and several are water front and or water view.
Ordinance No. 729, Amends Town of Colonial Beach Town Code of Ordinances
Chapter 2, Chapter 8, and Chapter 11 - This was mainly to update and delete ordinances that were obsolete or no longer in compliance. One major change was the Mayor is no longer able to act as Town manager in his or her absence.
Referrals to Planning Commission Justification and Scope for Master Plan - The planning commission had previously suggested we should have a master plan for the planned urban development areas, (550 acres impacted) so Council voted to move forward with the feasibility phase. The mayor mentioned the significanct cost. I mentioned that the PC said it didn’t necessarily have to be an expensive or elaborate plan. I also suggested at the bare minimum we should study the impacts on schools’ water and sewer etc., on future development.
Vote was 7–0 to request PC provide justification and scope recommendations.
PUBLIC HEARING, Intent to Sell Town-Owned Real Property (Adjacent Property to 353 7th Street) - Mrs. Kennedy requested to purchase a narrow strip of property between her and a neighbor’s house (roughly 15×100). The decision was made to sell the strip of land to Ms. Kennedy and retain utility easement rights. This will allow the town to do what they need to access utilities without having the responsibility of maintaining the property. Vote was 7–0
The town attorney presented an overall easement discussion Suggesting that Council may want to consider selling easements throughout the town reducing our overall liability and maintenance requirements. More to come, on this.
Closed Meetings to discuss the pending court cases in Westmoreland County Circuit Court and Human Resource matters.
Public Works liaison update
· I had a ride along with the operations manager, Director of Public Works and the Town Manager. The primary focus was buildings and grounds but we also discussed other topics. CB has 4 employees including a supervisor that are responsible for maintining all of our parks right of ways and beaches to include the bathrooms, and other public facilities. These hard-working gentleman start their day off at 6:30 AM on the North Beach picking up all the trash and go all the way through town a few times a day plus they mow, and maintain the beach which takes up to eight hours from start to finish. We also toured the golf cart path, the pump stations and discussed some of the challenges with the grounds maintenance. I really appreciate the time they took to show me the inner workings of our Town.
· At the meeting I mentioned that we need to do a better job of educating the public on the role of a liaison and what they are and are not allowed to do. People have posted on social media that I am not doing a very good job as a Public Works Liaison which is far from the truth. As much as I would love to represent the public works employees, that is not something that I am authorized to do. I have been advised that as liaison I cannot meet with individual employees. It would not be fair for a council member to put one group of town employees above another. Liaison roles are definitely something I would like clarified in writing going forward so that the public is aware of the actual duties of a liaison.
· As previously discussed, the central drainage area presentation was thorough and really helped us understand the project better.
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