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Councilman Williams Update 8/2/23

Sewage spill investigation and notices, Q4 Financial report, PC reappointment, Town Yard Sale, Senior water/sewer discount and Water/Sewer Funds allocation, were all part of Wednesdays Work Session.

Mayor was Absent so Kenny Allison ran the meeting.

Minutes - for September 7, 2022 Approved 6-1

Finance 4th Quarter Report – We were given the numbers for Q4 (see agenda packet). All except $20,100 of the nearly $3.8M in ARPA funds are spoken for. Since $134K was listed as project manager funds for FY25/FY26, I asked if we hired a project manager for Central Drainage and was told no. From what I understand that money is going to help fund the new Assistant Town Managers salary.

Public Safety 2nd Quarter Report – We were given a report and the question came up about rescue squad numbers and we were told they are meeting their quota.

Council Member Liaison and Commission Reports

Public Works – Mr. Wood said after conferring with other council members he sent a list of 15 questions to the Assistant Town Manager as part of an investigation of what happened during the July 4th Sewage Spill response. He also said the Assistant Town manager agreed to a 3-hour notification time if another spill were to happen. Rick said that a new software system was on the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan and the plant is adequately staffed.

Economic Development – I reported on several activities the ED manager has been involved in including: Meetings with the VA Department of Housing and Community Development, Testbed summit which includes collaboration with other communities, meetings with business owners and an application for a grant to expand water access.

Planning Commission – Dr Self Sullivan said the oyster wars historical marker will arrive in Sept, she admitted that she made an error by saying the reappointment of Ms. Luna was not voted on by PC, CB Housing Authority is currently working on 2 rehab projects.

Schools – Start up on August 14th.

Parks and Rec – Mr. Allison announced that Karen Grisevich resigned so there are 2 vacancies if anyone would like to volunteer for the commission. Several events were announced.

Communications Plan, Maurissa Potts

We were presented with projects she is working on with the town to enhance our communications. The projects include: website improvements, increased communication channels, monthly newsletters, celebrating accomplishments and brand guidelines. At the end she discussed emergency communication plans and how that would include developing a tiered level plan and media training. Mr. Wood raised concerns over a media company developing our emergency communications plan but we were assured this is part of her area of expertise. I said do we really not have a plan in place to handle such incidents and the answer was no. The Assistant Town Manager said we do have an incident report but that is not what I was talking about, I want to know what protocols are in place to handle major events (example fuel spill in the highway I’m sure police and fire know exact protocol to follow). I said can we at least discuss and decide on a notification system so council is aware of how they will be notified. Rick said we now have a 3-hour requirement but I said I want to know HOW we will be notified (Caryn agreed). We all decided on (Text, Phone and Email to all Council). Tom’s concern was on how the citizens will be notified but I’m not sure we could hash that out prior to the report Council has requested. At least we know 7 people would have to agree to keep something from the public vs leaving to the sole discretion of the town manager.

Public Comment

Citizen – Positive comment on neighborhood watch, suggested event holders pay more of the security costs for events and suggested the discount program should be a percentage vs set amount.

Write-in – Stated that council should re-appoint Ms. Luna to the PC and that there should not have been a delay to begin with.

Write-in – More info should have been provided with the Q4 financial report regarding water and sewer and town should give more regular updates on the central drainage project.

Reappointment to the Planning Commission, Director of Community Development & Zoning – Ms. Luna was recommended and I supported her reappointment. I stated that the issue raised at the last meeting was about procedure i.e., council was not given advanced notice but they actually were a month prior and I mentioned that we need to be more consistent as 3 members were concerned about procedures last meeting but not a single concern raised when it had previously been done (strange).

Short Term Rental update – I asked Mr. Dooley when the draft ordinance will come to council and he said next meeting and I asked when it would be available for the public to view and he said soon.

Senior and Disabled Discount Program Review, Town Attorney – This was to increase the senior and disabled discount since it has not been increased in years. This will also help offset the trash fee increases. Vote 6-0 to add to 8/16 agenda for a vote.

Suspension of Section 13.1-32, Yard Sales of the Town Code of Ordinances – This was just to suspend the yard sale fees for a future date to be determined (Sept I believe) so all residents can participate in a town wide yard sale. I had no issue with this and in fact had previously mentioned this as a potential economic development tool. I did say I thought we should look into utilizing public areas like town hill to allow people to rent a space for a nominal fee but it does not sound like that will be part of this year’s event. Vote 6-0

Ordinance Amending Section 21-71 (a) & (b) and Section 21-80 (a) & (b) to switch amounts budgeted toward water and sewer, Chief Financial Officer - This is 1st read, Public Hearing Scheduled for August 16, 2023 and the main reason for this requested change is because sewer operations appear to be much more costly than water. No suggested change in water/ sewer bills.

Closed Meeting

Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community.

Items I have asked to be added to the next agenda:

1. Water/sewer availability and tap fees

2. The addition of an Infrastructure Committee

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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