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Councilman Williams update 8/21/24

Engineering contract approved, carryover of recruitment funds, Town Manager updates, hearing set for spending of $315k for the parks, prior County Administrator hired as assistant town manager and Town Manager appointed as zoning administrator were all items on the agenda for Wednesday’s council meeting.

Both Vicki Robertson and Krista Brown requested to participate remotely. Vicki ended up participating over the phone but did not appear to be present for the last half of the meeting.  Mrs. Brown never showed.

Additions to the Agenda -Bowman engineering contract was added to the agenda. 6-0

Approval of Minutes for July 17, 2024 Vote 6-0

Resolution #29-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget, General Fund for Carryover Funds dedicated to Recruitment& Retention - This was to carry forward $30k that council authorized the town manager to use to help recruit for Public Works and Planning positions. 6-0

Council Liaison Reports

Public Works - Additional Street lights have been added to Jackson Street, smoke testing is underway for water sewer lines and Rob Wittman interview will be on WWER.

Planning Commission - I gave an update on the RV campgrounds in marinas; stating that the Planning Commission voted 5–2 to approve and mentioned how there were around 39 letters against and 6 in favor as well as in person comments and 2 petitions.  Also mentioned how it was odd that citizens didn’t support, but the Planning Commission approved.  At some point it will be up for council vote.

PC discussed the CIP, but did not seem to have interest in reviewing again.


CB Redevelopment and Housing Authority meeting 8/22 4:30p

Schools - mentioned that enrollment numbers are up and celebrating Pat Fitzgerald’s 75th birthday and her contribution to the town.

Finance- tax bills will be out in the coming weeks.

Mayor - mentioned fundraisers and events. Economic development - 8/13 received smart grant for Main Street, new President and vice president, there’s a subgroup addressing the parking ordinance.

Town Manager Updates

New hires – New police officer and new assistant town manager. Ben Prescott, the prior county administrator has accepted the assistant town manager position.

Gateway signage – Set a meeting with VDOT to finish 205 gateway signage.

Eleanor Park there are two bids out. Jeff Howell is working on plans for the bench bases.

Azalea Park – Removed for bid and now putting out an RFP for design and construction bid in one.

ADA – Scheduled a meeting for next Monday to discuss the letter about the town being in violation of sidewalk ADA compliance. We have 90 days to comply. I asked about the letter and if council could get a copy.  The TM said that she never received the violation letter and was supposed to have gotten an email, but did not.  This is a little concerning. 

Water quality grant penalty – Town manager found a copy of the grant from 2007 and has talked to an environmental firm regarding negotiating the penalty and possible ways to prevent additional fines. Currently, we are looking at $117k.  I asked how we managed to go 17 years without a penalty and now all of a sudden, we’re getting penalties.  There was no clear answer.

800 Colonial Ave - demo said to start next week after abatement. I asked for clarification on the abatement and was told there are some asbestos tiles in the flooring. It’s still not clear what the towns going to do with this property, but we’ve been assured demolition is a priority for that building.

·        The final DEQ consent order is now online.

·        Resilient sea grant will be discussed at the Sept 18 meeting.

Sewer Plant Update

·        We were given a brief presentation on the water quality and things are pretty stable but still fighting the solids. 

·        We’re told we need at least 300 K and repairs. I asked why can’t we use some of the DEQ money to get this started immediately.  I   Was told there were other priorities. Seems to me immediate needs would come first.

·        Smoke testing will give us an idea of what pipes need to be lined or replaced.


Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett - absent


Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Addo, Superintendent - He is our new superintendent started 21 days ago thanked BAMM and PTA, mentioned many new requirements and standards, CB was recently recognized for reduced absenteeism, received a grant for web weapon detection in the elementary school and it has been installed.

Public Comment

Nigel Long – mentioned the CIP was seemingly ignored by PC, questioned the carryover funds of $315K, concerns over the school numbers increasing impact on budget.

Maggie Sanford - question how one business can start up in a matter of weeks and another seems stalled for months, town events not advertised sufficiently, wasting tax dollars, pouring tax dollars into the parks.

Linda Brubaker – Agreed we should not be dumping more money into our parks. Question what was the deal with our water meters. 

Joe Kelly - Concern over using the money for Eleanor Park and Azalea Park when these funds could go towards fines.

Engineering contract – This contract would be for engineering services as needed. There’s a 45-day termination clause, some projects will be hourly others will be negotiated, they are a national firm, I asked about the budget authority, and the town manager stated she is approved to spend up to $80k without council Approval. It was clarified that the town manager can only spend what council previously authorized.

Resolution #30-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, General Fund for the CBPS FY23-24 ADM Local Match - this was to set public hearing to approve these funds because the fiscal year has changed and the dollar threshold. Vote 5-0


Resolution #31-24, Amends and Appropriates Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget, General Fund for Carryover Funds dedicated to Azalea and Eleanor Park Projects

(set for public hearing) Vote 5-0

It likely wouldn’t do any good to speak up, but this is another opportunity to point out, wasteful spending by council.

Closed Meeting

Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for discussion of performance of specific public officers, appointees or employees of the public body - This was to discuss who to appoint as zoning administrator since the Berkeley group could no longer sign off on zoning matters (insurance reasons).  After council discussion, we came out for a vote 5-1 

I voted NO for this because I believe that the Mayor and Council have already put too much power in the town managers office.  Over the last several years council has given up authority over the Treasurer, police chief, and now the zoning administrator.  I asked if this could be a temporary appointment and was told this was not a big deal because it’s only a signature.  Part of the problem is in council’s infinite wisdom to hire a full-time Attorney/Director of Community Development; we ended up without a full-time zoning administrator.  Now we don’t actually have a town employee to sign off on zoning matters so now it somehow becomes a town manager duty.  

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