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Councilman Williams Update 8/3/22

Greetings CB residents please see my blog for details on Wednesday’s meeting and my liaison update.

Approval of 3/2/22 and 3/16/22 Minutes - all voted aye

Council Member Liaison Reports

Dr Self Sullivan had a long list of NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) reports and announced the Annual Rod Run and Water Fest will be August 20 and 21st, Green Space is also raising funds to purchase 8 benches for Eleanor Park. They are waiting on a final site plan, and I can only hope regular citizens will have a say on what happens to that park versus just the NGOs, I believe her report will be posted online. Public Works update (see end of blog). Mr. Allison discussed parks and rec, announced there’s an opening on the planning commission (I personally would like to see an objective person that is not hand-picked), planned urban development residential PUD-R master plan was discussed (to be discussed by Planning Commission). Mrs. Clement announced that school starts Monday and that there’s a new traffic pattern that goes around the school for drop off and pick up.

Citizen Input - concerns raised over the $36k for a new license plate reader. Also, a resident raise concerns over citizens questions not being answered (I personally would like to see all responses to public questions posted on line with answers or read at the next meeting).

PUBLIC HEARING, Town Attorney Ordinance No. 727, Amends Zoning Ordinance, Article 7 to add theaters with maximum permitted occupancy of not more than 70 persons as a permitted use in the Resort Commercial District and require conditional use permits only for theaters with maximum permitted occupancy of more than 70 persons. The only concern I had was parking and the town attorney said any existing building would fall under the current zoning and therefore may not have any special requirement for parking. Two residents spoke in favor. Vote was 6-0 to pass

Parking Enforcement License Plate Reader, Police Chief - I raised concerns about the $36k cost, asked for more info like what is our current ticket revenue and what are the annual fees. I also said a parking enforcement officer always being in a car will reduce police visibility. I asked about our current handheld ticket devices and was told they were purchased a year ago for several thousand dollars. I personally, do not think it is a good idea to vote for something like this now. I believe we should try out the new parking enforcement officer to see how that works and we’ll have more data six months down the road. I asked for the transaction report for the Capital Improvement Fund so I could see the balance and current spending trends. The decision was to bring this to the Regular meeting for a vote.

Committee, Boards & Commissions Email Accounts, Councilmember Self Sullivan - This was a vote to spend $1000 to purchase email accounts for planning commission, parks and rec, and planning board of appeals. I voted No because we did not have the money in the budget even though I do think it is a good idea for transparency. 4-2 final vote

Employee & Volunteer Parking Incentive, Councilmember Self Sullivan - there was a discussion to give town employees town stickers so they could not have to pay when they came into town on weekends etc. There were several concerns raised about doing this. It was decided to send this to staff for further review.

Ordinances Review, Councilmember Self Sullivan

Dogs on the Beach: Seasonality and Enforcement

Self Sullivan suggested we may want to allow dogs on the beach all year long but I do not believe the majority of residents would support this. I raised concerns as did others regarding dog waste and dogs that would not behave etc. I believe this will be discussed further at a later date.

Flutter Flags currently our ordinance does not allow flutter flags and Self Sullivan suggests we allow. I raise concerns that a resident had regarding flag looks, condition and being in right of ways but I’ve also had business owners say they like the flags. We all voted to refer this to the Planning Commission.

Recommended Ordinance Amendments, Town Attorney

Chapter 2 Administration - This is the section that allows CB Mayor to act as town manager if she is not able. There was a question as to whether this actually violated state law and while it may not completely violate it was discussed that the town currently has enough staff where a staff member could act as town manager versus mayor. I support the change from Mayor to Staff as it seems to be a conflict because if the mayor votes and manages the town it could cause conflicts.

Chapter 8, Dealers in Precious Metals and Gems - no need for this as state law covers. Vote will be at next meeting.

Gambling - no need for this as state law covers. Vote will be at next meeting.

Public works liaison update

· Diane Beyer started as our new Director of Public Works last week. She was previously the Director of Public Works in Fredericksburg Virginia and has worked at DEQ Department of Environmental Quality, and the DCR Department of Conservation and Recreation. Ms. Beyer has several certifications and experience in many areas. I look forward to working with her has the Public Works Liaison to help Colonial Beach move forward to resolve some of the major issues we have with our infrastructure.

· I mentioned sidewalks concerns that a resident has raised specifically in front of the library and handicap accessibility.

· Town Manager has confirmed that we have had a certified engineer inspected the Town Pier and once I get a copy of the report, I will post it for the public to see.

· I mentioned that the central drainage area project should be starting in the fall. Once our new public works director gets settled in, she will give us an update.

· I clarified that we are NOT buying a new trash truck.

· Public works has been hard at work taking care of our town during the busy summer months including: trash, utilities, buildings and grounds water treatment, streets and many other items.

Please email or call with questions or comments:



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