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Councilman Williams Update 8/7/24

$117k Surprise Sewer Fine, Funds Allocation, Virginia Main Street Presentation and Impromptu Discussion to Have the Planning Commission Study Multifamily Houses and Increasing Floor Area Ratio FAR.

Consent Agenda

The below items were in the consent agenda which myself and Dr Self Sullivan agreed should be addressed separately.   Vote to separate 7-0.  In my opinion only simple administrative items should be in a consent agenda and something like a $117k water treatment fine does not qualify.

a. Approval of Minutes for May 15, 2024, June 5, 2024 and June 11, 2024 – I mentioned that the May 15th minutes had errors and asked for the following corrections: During the May meeting Dr. Self Sullivan pointed out the Mayor was not voting (always has in the past).  The Mayor said she was trying some new leadership method but agreed to start voting.  She then voted Aye for the residential and commercial water sewer increases.  The original votes were not correct in the minutes.  Vote to approve all except May 15th minutes 7-0

b. Resolution #26-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 24-25 Budget, Sewer Fund to Carry Over DEQ Monetary Assessments - This was for a $117k penalty notice the town received from DEQ.  I asked for the town manager to explain and she stated the town received a grant (I think it was 15+ years ago) and apparently, we did not meet sewer solids quality standards agreed to so we have to pay back $117k for 2023 and may have to pay back even more for 2024.  We missed the standards by half what we agreed to.  As you can imagine council was concerned and since we have 90 days to pay, we asked the town manager to provide more info at our next meeting before voting to pay.  Apparently, we do not track old grants which in this example could have major financial consequences which in my opinion is alarming.  

c. Resolution #27-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 24-25 Budget, General Fund to Carry Over Gateway Signage Grant Funds - This was to move $40k council previously approved to spend.  I believe Kenny and I were the only no votes last December but this vote was only to pay the final bill. Vote 7-0

d. Resolution #28-24, Amends and Appropriates FY 24-25 Budget, General Fund to Carryover Funds for Public Works Storage Building – This was to pay the remaining $36k for an equipment storage building.  I know not all citizens believe this was necessary but our equipment was sitting outside deteriorating so I’m hoping this will save money in the long run.  

Council Member Liaison Reports 

Public Works – Mentioned the pending storm and possible wind 30-40 mph and 6-8” rain, over by Friday

Planning Commission - RV campground vote to be held at Thursday’s meeting.

NGO – Events, CBVRS doing fund raisers, ongoing activities.

Schools - New superintendent hired, volley ball try outs. School board meet next Wednesday 6pm

Safety - National Night Out will be Oct 1st, This Saturday VFD Ladies Auxiliary taco dinner 5-7p, VFD also having a BBQ chicken dinner Aug 24th.

Special Note: The VFD Ladies Auxiliary has a Tangier Island getaway raffle drawing on August 10th.  Tickets can be purchased at the dinner. Good luck to all

Finance - water bills

Mayor – Defended a letter she wrote saying it was for a character reference for a student she taught and mentored. (see citizen response under public comment) 


a. Virginia Main Street, Kyle Meyer, VMS Program Administrator - Department of Housing and Community Development representative said this program is about energizing our down town.  St. Paul is a good example of how a town used the program. Oct 11th CB’s application is due for Main Street. I asked the following questions: 

Q. Who runs our Main Street *501c3? A. Downtown Colonial Beach. 

Q. Where is our Main Street? A. Historic district in our Business/Historic area mainly.

Q. What business typically benefit from Main Street? A. was breweries, restaurants, retail and hotels.


Public Comment 

Citizen - Concerns over WWTP fine of $117K 2023 & maybe more in 2024

Citizen – Mentioned Artist Guild Regional art show at Town Center, A new art center opening across from Willies BBQ, and thanks for support of Down Town CB

Linda Brubaker – The letter the Mayor spoke of earlier was too asked for judge leniency for a constituent’s relative.  That person reportedly sent two CB officers to the hospital.

Citizen – Mentioned Street painting project she’s working on with Drifter Pride and perhaps flip flops

Citizen - Need more info and Council members should think before they speak

Citizen – VDOT letter posted on line about sidewalks raises concerns over ADA violations.  What about the $1M carryover funds that should be brought forward, DEQ agreement needs more visibility with the spending plan, and been waiting months for a FOIA request. 

Planning Commission Referrals - Dr. Self Sullivan asked if we could have the PC look into multifamily housing in R4 Zone.  Council was reluctant to have R4 addressed without more information so this was put on hold.

The CIP/Parking ordinance was mentioned because the PC was asked to address and it wasn’t on their next agenda.

Mayor said she wanted the Floor Area Ratio addressed again because builders were asking for it to be increased.  I asked what builders were asking for increased house sizes and she would not say.  I said during the FAR discussion prior only one builder came forward.  The FAR referral is also on hold.


Please email or call with questions or comments:





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