Funds allocated for Sewer and Town Center repairs, Trash toter update, Citizen claimed creek/river water testing was false, Short Term Rental Ordinance, DORA renewed and property sale were all items on the agenda.
Minutes for February 1, 2023 - Approved 7–0
Resolution #36-23, Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget, Sewer Fund - This was to appropriate the funds that were previously approved for the new SCADA sewer system. 7-0
Resolution #37-23, Amends and Appropriates FY 23-24 Budget for repairs at Town Center - As many of you know the town center has roof and AC issues. This was to appropriate the $60k approved by council to make repairs. Several people have suggested that the AC was replaced two years ago so I asked and the answer was no it was roughly 20 years old. Vote 7-0
Council Member Announcements
Public Works - the SCADA contract was awarded and AC repairs for town center set to start first week of October.
Economic Development Committee- Committee introduced a candidate to take Mike’s seat when he rotates out in Dec. Guest speaker, she has significant experience in Work Force housing. 29 new businesses in the last three years. Main Street event on the 13th, and CB promotion in VTC upcoming publication (second nationwide to CA), 250 anniversary meetings. Plans to help bring together holiday related activities. School entrepreneurship activities.
Raised concerns about the STR ordinance having some burdensome requirements, examples Logs and regulations. Chamber, potential recruitment for 4 New board members.
The EDC wanted to clarify that they were not against my proposal for an infrastructure committee as we were told by Mr. Wood in the last work session.
Admin - Mayor mentioned the Freedom ride Friday, opening ceremony for Bikefest and County meeting to discuss enterprise zones.
Town Manager Update -
· Voluntary Existing Residential Toters - The town is allowing people that had their own trash toters to:
1. Donate to town (form required) or
2. Use old toter as a backup (no additional monthly charge) form required.
We were told residents can drop the forms off in person or email
· Central drainage project is going good and pressure testing starting this week,
· Bikefest parking, free for motorcycles (paid by chamber), but not free for cars.
Proclamation, Hispanic Heritage Month - Mayor read
Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Trivett -
· Combined EMS certifications for fire departments being discussed.
· County is working on backlog of building inspections.
· Urged town to consider waiving $8k parking fee they are charging the Chamber of Commerce for bike fest.
· Mentioned an issue with a duck blind in Goldman’s creek and concerns over hunting on town property.
Colonial Beach Public Schools, Dr. Mitchell -
· Schools are fully staffed for the first time in many years.
· State will distribute funds for lagging test scores, which is an issue throughout the state (attendance continues to be an issue).
· State funding is up due to our increased enrollment.
· CIP improvements, including 25 AC units, redesign of the front entrance, etc.
· Working on safety plan for kids walking home.
Public Comment
Citizen - Upset about false claims that water quality was ok after July sewage spill. He hired a company and paid $8k to do his own testing. Addressed Mayor and Self-Sullivan about false claims. Confronted Mr. Wood saying your claims about no sewage getting in the water are false. He has hired Mr. Vaughn as his attorney, and said the next time something happens it will not be good for the town. Mayor asked him if he would provide his information and he said no.
Ordinance No. 748, Short Term Rental Ordinance, Director of Community Development & Zoning -
Citizen - Commented on STR ordinance and still has concerns about parking and street parking, with boats, etc. Who is going to monitor the program and enforce parking.
Write-in - Commented on STR ordinance, estimates $30 million investment owners are making and concerns over the power of the zoning administrator with his authority to regulate. Believes the main goal was to get a handle on the number of STR ‘s.
Council STR Discussion - I asked a few more questions: please define the Log which has since been renamed as registry, and was told this is merely as precaution if needed to determine who stayed at the rental. I said I agreed with Wood that 2 complaints in 12 months are a concern as seems severe. I also asked how will parking and trash be enforced. After the answers, I still was not 100% clear but the ordinance does give the town the ability to address these issues with STRs which it has not had the ability in the past. I also suggested “complaint” should be changed to “violation” and the rest of the council agreed.
Other council members started making suggestions for changes, and I raised a concern saying that the PC addressed each correction separately and voted on it, whereas we were just allowing blanket corrections. After more discussion, we went item by item and agreed on the following:
1. Operator should be local.
2. Blade hanging signs will be allowed.
3. Delete item number 7.
4. 10a changed to 48-hour notice for inspections.
5. 11c 21 age requirement is being investigated.
6. 12b changed number of violations from 2 in 12 months to 3 in 6 months. 12c changed 24 to 48 hrs.
7. 13 deleted since it was a duplication.
Edits will be brought to the next council meeting in October and we will vote on the ordinance.
Ordinance No. 749, Town Code of Ordinances, Section 20-69, Exemptions of seniors and persons permanently/totally disabled, Powell Duggan, Town Attorney - this was to increase the senior discount due to inflation and the new trash tax. Vote 7–0
Disposition of Town-Owned Property, a portion of Madison Street Extension adjacent to Westmoreland County parcel numbers 3A2 2 69 1 and 3A2 2 60 A, Grants Manager-
This was to sell a small chunk of land at the very end of Madison Drive beside the Icehouse brewery. This includes less than half of the actual roadway between a Monroe Bay Ave, and the Bay. I asked if the rest of the land will remain Road and was told yes. Self-Sullivan asked if this would cause any property access issues and we were told no. There were no public objections and resolution passed 7–0
Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area License Renewal, Grants Manager - Also known DORA or sip and stroll events, we discussed renewing the annual permit, which cost $300. A few business owners spoke on the positive impacts to their businesses to support the renewal. Vote 7-0
Short Term Rental Zoning Permit Fee, Director of Community
Development - There will be a public hearing to set this fee during the October meeting. There appeared to be consensus with council that the suggested $50 annual fee is a reasonable amount and in line with other localities.
Closed Meeting
Pursuant to VA Code § 2.2-3711 (A)(3) Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body
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