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On The Boardwalk

The Past - The Boardwalk has been alive and vibrant off and on through our history. In the 1990’s the town confiscated much of the boardwalk property to make it great again. Unfortunately most of the promises went unfilled and the majority of the property sat empty until the 2020 deep discounted sale to a developer with even more promises made.

The Promises - After the Boardwalk property confiscation in the 1990’s we were promised a grand plan by town government which never happened. Fast forward to 2020, we were again promised great plans by selling the majority of the Boardwalk and 4 other town properties to a developer at a 40% discount. The original development was voted on before I got on council and contained:

(Phase 1) quality town houses to fit in with the rest of the town, (Phase 2) bank/ chamber/ school board buildings to be restaurant/ retail space, and (Phase 3) 10,000 sqft of retail on the Boardwalk with over 30 condos.

(Phase 4) Wilder Parking Lot a boutique hotel.

Boardwalk Revived or Residential - Many concessions have been granted to the developer. The town houses on Town Hill, do they fit in with the rest of the community as promised? The Old Bank building and other buildings on Hawthorn will now be mostly residential and shared office space that most residents and guests will never enjoy. Phase 3A where Willies was will be 2 stories and more than 50% residential and 3B will be 3 stories and 80% residential. Phase 4 is still up in the air and may be renegotiated.

Council Votes - All council members except me have voted yes 100% of the time for all sale phases and all conditional use permits (except Moncure voted No for 3B CUP). I voted no for all but the first conditional use permit brought before me during my first month in office and I voted no for final sales contracts for phase 2, 3A and 3B.

The Future of Our Boardwalk

The boardwalk land between the pier and high tides as well as the lot between the beach shop and the bathrooms are sold. The town has already given concessions as mentioned earlier. Phase 4 which is the Wilder lot from the swing sets back towards Nancy’s has not closed yet and we have been promised a parking solution prior to closing. Many people believe that we need to reconsider the Wilder lot sale which may be our opportunity to salvage what’s left of the boardwalk. Many people have told me they want entertainment games and other things for residents and visitors alike to do. We were promised a real overall plan years ago so before buildings go up I think the community needs to come together and find some way to save the boardwalk.

Vote 2022 based on facts not fiction - While the schools are falsely being portrayed as being in danger this year, the actual danger is to the boardwalk.

Vote Williams, DiNenna and Montalvo Nov 8th 2022


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