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RVs in Marinas is on Hold Until Next Month

During the Planning Commission public hearing to add a definition for Maritime Resort there were over two dozen public comments and written testimonies.  The only controversial part of the discussion was whether or not to include RVs in the definition.  If RVs are included in the definition, many believe this will open a can of worms.  Some of the biggest concerns were over safety and impacts on the community as a whole. Currently the only Marina supporting this publicly is Kyle Schick the owner of the yacht club which is currently up for sale with the perspective buyer wanting to add RVs.  The majority of the comments were against RVs being allowed with approximately two to one against.  After the public testimonies were completed, the planning commission had a lengthy discussion mainly about the RVs.  Mr. Mack seemed very supportive and even gave several reasons for RVs, not being a problem.

Most of the members seem to have some concerns over moving forward at this time. The conversation ended with the discussion being tabled i.e put on hold until next month.

While I feel good about the public speaking up and would expect the planning commission to listen to the majority, the PC could still choose to include RVs.

One interesting fact that was brought up during the meeting is that the yacht club currently has four non-conforming RV spaces that exist from many years ago.

1 Comment

William Butler
William Butler
Jun 15, 2024

Most of the Marinas in Colonial Beach do not allow live aboards on the vessel in the marinas, so the TC is aying it is ok to sleep in a tent or RV at the marina but you can't sleep on your own boat. That's ridiculous.

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